Republicans to Fight Back Against Obama’s “Operation Choke Point” Targeting Gun Sellers
The Anti-Business Obama administration and Democrat Culture of Corruption have found a new way to disregard our nation’s constitution and attack our Second Amendment rights again.
Obama and the Democrats have tried taking away our guns, making new rules and regulations to make some guns illegal, buying-up all of the available ammunition to keep Americans from being able to shoot their legally-owned guns, and now Obama and the Democrats are using what they call “Operation Choke Point” to target the banks that gun retailers use, to try and force the gun shops out of business.
I would bet that a very high percentage of the Democrats fighting against gun rights either have guns of their own, or employ people who protect them with guns. Typical corrupt Democrat “do as I say not as I do” mentality.
Maybe Obama and the Democrats should be more worried about the 1.2 million babies that these same liberal idiots take glee in murdering every year. (32,000 gun deaths – 1.21 million abortions) …
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