Obama Crony Socialism: “Obama Phone” Giveaway Makes Obama Supporters Very Rich

The “Obama Phone” giveaway that Democrats try and say is necessary to low-income families is just another Obama handout to his supporters – on two fronts.

Obama Crony Socialism: “Obama Phone” Giveaway Makes Obama Supporters Very Rich

Obama Crony Socialism: “Obama Phone” Giveaway Makes Obama Supporters Very Rich

The Obama administration brainwashes minority groups in America to keep them on their side by giving away as much free stuff as they can, which serves to brainwash these groups into supporting the Democrat party, even though the Democrat party is the real party of slavery and racism.

The Obama administration’s “Obama phone” giveaway program mainly benefits the wireless carriers though, with TracFone profiting the most.

Interestingly, TracFone is run by a Democratic donor whose wife has raised more than $1.5 million for the DNC, and the return business is just more Obama crony capitalism at work.

A wireless company profiting from the so-called “Obama phone” giveaway program is run by a prominent Democratic donor whose wife has raised more than $1.5 million for the president since 2007.

Last week a video of a President Barack Obama supporter in Ohio claiming to have

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Joke of the News Business – MSNBC Hacks Hide Minority GOP Speeches From Viewers

Joke of the News Business - MSNBC Hacks Hide Minority GOP Speeches From Viewers

Joke of the News Business – MSNBC Hacks Hide Minority GOP Speeches From Viewers

The joke of the “news” business – MSNBC is playing favorites again, and are actively trying to scrub the minority GOP speakers and supporters from the coverage of the Republican National Convention in Tampa.

Instead of airing the great speeches from former Democratic Rep. Artur Davis, a black candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Utah named Mia Love, and Latino American Texas senatorial hopeful Ted Cruz to all 12 of their viewers, MSNBC decided to hide these minority speakers to show idiotic liberal commentary by Rachel (bull dyke) Maddow, Al (race baiter) Sharpton, Ed (who is ed schultz) Schultz, and Chris (chill up my leg) Matthews, who continue working to further the liberal lie of racist Republicans.

 Mia Love - GOP candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Utah

Mia Love – GOP candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Utah

The liberal media hacks don’t want America to know that many minorities support the Republicans, and certainly don’t want the US Public to know that the the Democrats are the party of slavery, while…

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