Despicable Democrats Walk Out of Benghazi Hearing & Continue Denying Answers for Fallen Heroes Families

The despicable Democrats basically spit in the face of the living relatives of some of our fallen heroes’ family members by walking out on the hearing, because they didn’t want to hear what the family members had to say.

Despicable Democrats Walk Out of Benghazi Hearing & Continue Denying Answers for Fallen Heroes Families

Despicable Democrats Walk Out of Benghazi Hearing & Continue Denying Answers for Fallen Heroes Families – The empty side of the room belongs to the Democrats. The only Democrats who stayed were Ranking Member Elijah Cummings and Rep. Jackie Speier.

Why wouldn’t Democrats want to stay in the hearing and listen to family members of fallen US heroes, who were killed in the Benghazi Terrorist Attack? Probably because Democrats are embarrassed that they have been covering up their leaders unbelievable ineptness and corruption for over a year, including the Obama administration’s underhanded arms deals with our enemies that backfired, which most likely led directly to the deaths of our fallen heroes in Benghazi, the call to step down and not try and rescue our people, when there was plenty of time to do so, and the decision to lie over and …

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Conservatives: Don’t Send Your Kids to Michigan State University – Or They Will Be Indoctrinated With Liberal Bullshit & Lies

Conservatives: Don't Send Your Kids to Michigan State University - Or They Will Be Indoctrinated With Liberal Bullshit & Lies

Republicans and Conservatives: Don’t Send Your Kids to Michigan State University – Or They Will Be Indoctrinated With Liberal Bullshit & Lies

Republican and Conservative parents beware of Michigan State University! Do not send your kids to Michigan State University unless you want them to be fully brain washed with liberal lies by unprofessional dumb-fuck bully “professors” like William S. Penn.

It has been reported that at least this one “professor” at Michigan State University, William S. Penn has been attacking conservatives with the same typical bullshit lies that we see from Obama and the other liberals in the government who lie on a daily basis to the American People.

Piece of shit loser William S. Penn doesn’t deserve to be teaching our kids! He deserves to have been aborted, using the late term abortion method which liberal turds like William S. Penn usually support.

– Republicans don’t want black people to vote? – That is complete bullshit. We want anyone who can legally vote to vote – ONLY ONCE, instead of the multiple times that some liberals vote. Liberals …

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Obama Apology of America Tour Blames U.S. For Mexico Violence – No Mention of Fast & Furious

Obama continues his ongoing Apology of America Tour in Mexico, blaming the U.S as the cause of the out-of-control violence in Mexico, not the powerful Mexican drug cartels, who have taken over the entire country, including every level of the government – if you can even call what they currently have, a government.

During Obama’s Mexican Apology of America Tour, while blaming the U.S. for the guns in Mexico that come from the United States, Obama says that we are the “root cause” of violence and guns in Mexico, but made no mention of the Fast & Furious scandal, which was run entirely by the Obama administration, where Obama’s people allowed thousands of high-powered guns to be sold to Mexican drug cartels, and never tracked the guns, which have been used in many crimes, and probably many continue to be used today by drug cartels.

The Obama administration wanted to use the violence that their guns created in order to create support here in America for taking away gun rights, to nudging us closer to the Democrat’s real goal of …

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John Kerry Thinks Getting to Bottom of Obama’s Benghazi Cover-Up Unimportant

John Kerry Says Getting to Bottom of Obama's Benghazi Cover-Up UnimportantOf course the brain-dead John Kerry thinks that we have more important things to do than to get to the bottom of an Obama administration cover-up which cost the lives of American citizens, as well as treasure and intelligence that were lost.

The Obama administration has been deep in cover-up mode for much of their time in office, including since the Benghazi terrorist attack, and subsequent denials of terrorism by Obama and his team of washers.

Democrats would rather take away your rights to keep and bear arms, and secure the right to kill as many babies as they can, but they will go to their graves denying their part in Obama’s cover-up.

REP. DANA ROHRABACHER (R-CA): Mr. Secretary, we think that there was a coverup of some kind of wrongdoing that led this administration to lie to the American people about the nature of the attack immediately after the attack and for a week after that attack. We need to have these questions answered. We need to talk to the people who are on the scene. Can you give

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Obama Doesn’t REALLY Care About Black People – Black Unemployment Sky-High

Obama Doesn't REALLY Care About Black People - Black Unemployment Sky-HighObama as done absolutely nothing for the Black Community, and even less for blacks who are unemployed.

Instead of helping blacks, he has squandered away funds that could have been used to help on green energy companies that were already failing, and who ended up taking huge amounts of our money, only to file bankruptcy, making our money disappear in a quick poof of air.

Obama knew that these companies would go under, but saw an easy way to line the pockets of his friends and supporters with our money, in exchange for more political donations, and voter fraud to help win the election.

Democrats and blacks seem to hate President Bush, but in reality President Bush was the only president who gave a damn about the Black Community. Under President Bush, black unemployment was the lowest it has been in the last 50 years.

  • The lowest point for Black unemployment under President Bush is 7% unemployment.
  • The lowest point for Black unemployment under Obama is 13.8% unemployment.

This proves that Obama doesn’t care about black people. He only cares …

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Do African Americans Really Care about Racism? If So Research BEFORE You Vote

Obama has completely failed the African American Community for four years, yet continues to enjoy a lot of support from the Black Americans.. If not due to pure racism, Why?

Do African Americans Really Care about Racism?  If So Research BEFORE You Vote

Do African Americans Really Care about Racism? If So Research BEFORE You Vote

African Americans: Do your research BEFORE you vote and you will see that, unless you have something to give him, Obama doesn’t care about you, or the problems in the African American Community!

For many years, Republicans have been falsely accused by Democrats of being racist, and trying to take away the freedoms of African Americans, but in reality it is just the opposite.

It was a Republican President who led the charge to end slavery. It was Republicans who gave their lives to free the slaves, and still to this day, Republicans fight for the Black Community.

Do a few Google searches to see what political party has always been in favor of keeping slavery legal, and and what political party has always fought for the freedom and equality of African Americans.

  • Racist Democrats started the

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FLOTUS Admits Obama Administration Call Centers Use Child Labor – 10-14 Year Old Kids Manning Phones

FLOTUS Admits Obama Administration Call Centers Use Child Labor - 10-14 Year Old Kids Manning Phones

FLOTUS Admits Obama Administration Call Centers Use Child Labor – 10-14 Year Old Kids Manning Phones

You KNOW it’s getting bad for Obama and the Democrats when they have to employ 10 year-old kids to work their phone banks.

If Obama still had the young people fooled, as he did in 2008, they wouldn’t need the child labor to work at their call centers, but America’s young people see that Obama has been a complete failure, who has not done anything to make young people’s lives better. Just the opposite, as Obama has ensured that young people will be paying for just 4 years of Obama’s corrupt crony politics for the rest of their lives.

I guess young people today aren’t quite as dumb as Obama thinks they are.

First Lady Michelle Obama bragged on Monday that 10-year-old children were making phone calls for the Obama campaign.

Michelle Obama said in Iowa that many young voters have told her their “parents and grandparents were not going to vote for Barack in 2008 until I talked to them and I told

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Obama Campaign Staff Allegedly Threatened NAACP Official Due to Non-Support of Obama Re-Election

Obama Campaign Staff Allegedly Threatened NAACP Official Due to Non-Support of Obama Re-Election

Obama Campaign Staff Allegedly Threatened NAACP Official Due to Non-Support of Obama Re-Election

This story is the way things typically work in liberal circles. You do what the Democrats want you to do, or you get trashed, smeared, and lied about. No if’s, and’s or but’s.

Now David Lowery, a NAACP Official, is saying that the Illinois director with Obama for America, Louis Raymond, threatened him during a phone call.
Lowery claims that Raymond said “You know what? I know everything about you. We’ve been watching you, and since you don’t support Obama, we’ll deal with you”. and then hung up on Lowery.

USBACKLASH believes every word of David Lowery’s claim, and feel it is shameful and wrong for the Obama re-election staff to be threatening people who don’t agree with them. We also feel that these claims of threat and intimidation by Team Obama should be investigated.

The President of the South Suburban Branch of the NAACP alleges a director of the re-election campaign of Barack Obama has threatened and intimidated him because he doesn’t support the president.


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