Jokes of a Feather Mislead Together – CNN Email Defends Candy Crowley Obama-Slanted Debate Moderation
Obama, CNN, and Candy Crowley deserve each other.
CNN, the Obama administration’s #2 spin outlet, has taken the lead on defending Candy Crowley’s inept and Obama-slanted debate moderation performance.

Jokes of a Feather Mislead Together – CNN Email Defends Candy Crowley Obama-Slanted Debate Moderation
CNN Managing Editor, Mark Whitaker, defended Candy Crowley’s terrible debate performance in an email to all CNN staff.
- “Let’s start with a big round of applause for Candy Crowley for a superb job under the most difficult circumstances imaginable”
- “she had to deal with the tricky format, the nervous questioners, the aggressive debaters”
- “shutting out the pre-debate attempts to spin and intimidate her”
- “Romney supporters are going after her on two points, no doubt because their man did not have as good a night as he had in Denver”
- “We’re going to do a word count to see whether, as in Denver, Romney actually got more words in even if he talked for a shorter period of time.”
What a bunch of bullshit. Candy Crowley is a corrupt Obama shill who did everything in her power …
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