Rahm’s Chicago War Zone: 6 People Killed Over Weekend – Already Matches 2011 Murder Total
Just this past weekend, 6 people in Chicago were shot and killed, and another 14 were wounded, as Chicago’s 2012 murder total has already equaled the city’s murder rate for the entire year of 2011.
Could Rahm and the Democrats be purposely standing by and allowing the gun violence to escalate as a way to try and cut back farther on gun laws?
We wouldn’t put it past them, as we have good evidence that the corrupt Obama administration has already allowed guns to “walk” in the Obama administration’s failed “Fast and Furious” gun running scandal. Reports say that the Obama administration allowed criminals and terrorists to purchase high-powered assault weapons, and then didn’t track the weapons, which were used to kill Americans and many Mexicans. Once the very troubling …
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