Obama Says No Reason For Him to Visit Border Amid Illegal Invasion Crisis – Says He is “Intimately Aware” of Situation
Of course Obama doesn’t need to go to the border to see the illegal immigration crisis. Obama says that he is “intimately aware” of the situation on the border, and we 100% believe him because it is painfully obvious that Obama and his liberal lackies in the Democrat Culture of Corruption created the latest illegal immigrant invasion problem intentionally.

Obama Says No Reason For Him to Visit Border Amid Illegal Invasion Crisis – Says He is “Intimately Aware” of Situation
Obama told the world that we will not deport illegals who break our nation’s laws to enter our country illegally. Biden told the world that the United States needs a “constant and unrelenting stream” of illegals. Eric Holder has his head stuck up his own criminally-corrupt asshole. Mots other Democrats are fighting or amnesty and open borders.
Obama also wants to spend an additional $3.7 billion, that we don’t have, to start lining the pockets of illegals with our money, hoping to turn the illegals into future Democrat voters. That is after Obama and the Democrats give them amnesty and …
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