Despicable Democrats Walk Out of Benghazi Hearing & Continue Denying Answers for Fallen Heroes Families

The despicable Democrats basically spit in the face of the living relatives of some of our fallen heroes’ family members by walking out on the hearing, because they didn’t want to hear what the family members had to say.

Despicable Democrats Walk Out of Benghazi Hearing & Continue Denying Answers for Fallen Heroes Families

Despicable Democrats Walk Out of Benghazi Hearing & Continue Denying Answers for Fallen Heroes Families – The empty side of the room belongs to the Democrats. The only Democrats who stayed were Ranking Member Elijah Cummings and Rep. Jackie Speier.

Why wouldn’t Democrats want to stay in the hearing and listen to family members of fallen US heroes, who were killed in the Benghazi Terrorist Attack? Probably because Democrats are embarrassed that they have been covering up their leaders unbelievable ineptness and corruption for over a year, including the Obama administration’s underhanded arms deals with our enemies that backfired, which most likely led directly to the deaths of our fallen heroes in Benghazi, the call to step down and not try and rescue our people, when there was plenty of time to do so, and the decision to lie over and …

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Zimmerman Special Prosecutor Angela Corey Should be Investigated and Disbarred For Misconduct

Zimmerman Special Prosecutor Angela Corey Should be Investigated and Disbarred

Zimmerman Special Prosecutor Angela Corey Should be Investigated and Disbarred

Special Prosecutor Angela Corey, who charged George Zimmerman should be investigated, and disbarred for her misconduct in the Zimmerman murder railroading sham of a case she tried to fix for the prosecution.

This corrupt liberal skank even just fired a whistleblower, Ben Kruidbos, who blew the lid off her corruption by revealing that the prosecution had decided to not provide all of the pictures, text, emails, etc from Trayvon Martin’s cell phone – Hiding the most incriminating photos, like the picture of Martin smoking pot, or the picture of Martin holding a gun, or the picture of a large pile of jewelry (probably stolen?) sitting on Martin’s bed. Now Angela Corey’s office says that Kruidbos was really fired for a variety of other reasons. Yea, right – Lying troll. It’s plain to see that Ben Kruidbos was fired for exposing Special Prosecutor Angela Corey’s corruption in the Zimmerman case.

This lady should be removed from her position, and replaced with someone who will not stoke the racial tensions in our …

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Harry Reid Accepted Illegal Campaign Contributions From Convicted Felon Former Lobbyist

Harry Reid Accepted Illegal Campaign Contributions From Convicted Felon Former Lobbyist [/caption]Democrat Lobbyist Harvey Whittemore was convicted of making illegal campaign contributions to Harry Reid, and Harry Reid thinks he did nothing wrong by taking the dirty money.

Harry Reid Accepted Illegal Campaign Contributions From Convicted Felon Former Lobbyist

Lobbyist Harvey Whittemore apparently gave $5,000 checks to his friends and family, and asked each of them to use the money to donate to Harry Reid’s campaign fund, thereby skirting campaign finance laws.

Harry Reid probably thinks that he is off the hook after raking in $150,000 in illegal campaign contributions promised to Reid by a former lobbyist, and convicted felon.

We think that Harry Reid knew he was taking dirty money, and he should be held accountable for his corruption.

A former Nevada powerbroker was convicted Wednesday of making illegal campaign contributions to U.S. Sen. Harry Reid.

A federal jury reached the verdict in the case against real estate developer and once powerful lobbyist Harvey Whittemore.

The jury returned unanimous guilty verdicts on charges of making excessive campaign contributions, making contributions in the name of another and causing a false statement

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Criminal Obama Administration Illegally Wiretapped AP & Other News Organizations

Criminal Obama Administration Illegally Wiretapped AP & Other News OrganizationsWhere will the Obama administration’s corruption and criminal actions ever end? The answer is: when his skinny mixed-race ass is thrown out of office.
The most corrupt president in US history has corruption, cronyism, and waste in his blood.

Ever since Obama was elected, the American People have been subjected to being lied to over and over by Obama’s cronies, while covering up the Obama administration’s corruption and outright criminal actions.

Team Corruption has even been secretly and illegally wiretapping AP and other news organizations, in a crime the AP calls a ‘Massive and unprecedented intrusion’.

Why would Obama feel that he needs to illegally wiretap the AP and other news organizations who’s reporters are already working for the Obama administration?
Could it be that Obama’s cronies have been monitoring what reporters are towing the administration’s line, and who has fallen out of line, and in need of an attitude adjustment?

We think that this is exactly the reason who Obama has been spying on news organizations, but one thing is for sure. The corruption of the Obama administration never

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Typical Democrat Corruption Leads to Resignation of EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson

Typical Democrat Corruption Leads to Resignation of EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson

Typical Democrat Corruption Leads to Resignation of EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson has resigned due to abuse of her position, and using fake email addresses to hide their dealings with the Obama administration in the Obama administration’s “War on Coal”

This Democrat corruption is definitely NOT an isolated incident, as many Obama cronies use fake email addresses to prevent their corrupt schemes from being discovered by the American People.

We also have little doubt that any emails the EPA or Obama administration doesn’t want us to see would have been destroyed to continue protecting the most corrupt president and party in the history of our nation.

History will definitely show that Obama and the Democrats acted as criminals while in power..

A Washington attorney suing the Obama administration for access to alias emails sent by EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson claims that a recent decision by the Justice Department to release thousands of those emails next month contributed to her resigning Thursday.

Jackson, in a brief written statement, said Thursday she is leaving the EPA after four years

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Wrong-Way Obama: Unemployment Numbers Increase in 44 of 50 States

Wrong-Way Obama: Unemployment Numbers Increase in 44 of 50 States

Wrong-Way Obama: Unemployment Numbers Increase in 44 of 50 States

The nation is going the wrong direction, and to get things turned around we will need new (Conservative – Tea Party) leadership, both in the senate and the White House.

If Obama would have spent the stimulus money creating jobs and helping businesses, instead of paying-off his friends, supporters, and cronies, our economy and Obama’s re-election efforts would be in much better shape now, but we continue seeing the effects of Obama’s incompetence and corruption on our economy, which last month saw 44 of 50 states unemployment rates go up.

Unemployment rates rose in 44 U.S. states in July, the most states to show a monthly increase in more than three years and a reflection of weak hiring nationwide.

The Labor Department says unemployment rates fell in only two states and were unchanged in four.

Unemployment rates rose in nine states that are considered battlegrounds in the presidential election. That trend, if it continued, could pose a threat to President Obama’s re-election bid in less than three months.

Nationwide, hiring

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Despicable Hack Harry ‘Red Nose’ Reid Claims Romney Paid No Taxes For Decade

Despicable Hack Harry Reid Claims Romney Paid No Taxes For Decade

Despicable Hack Harry Reid Claims Romney Paid No Taxes For Decade

Despicable Hack Harry Reid Claims Romney Paid No Taxes For Decade, but he won’t release all of his tax records, so they have no way of knowing. Following that same thought process, we wonder why Harry Reid’s nose is always so red. Maybe Harry Reid has been drunk for the last ten years, but he won’t release his health records, so we will never know.

Democrats are scared to run on their record of job loss, high taxes, corruption, waste, crony capitalism, and failure.

Instead of trying to run on Obama’s failure of a record, they have started a campaign of character assassination, throwing every despicable lie the can to the corrupt media, and then sitting back to see what gets legs.

Democrats falsely assassinate the character of their political opponents almost as much as they falsely play the race card, and Harry Reid and all other idiots who do this crap look completely pathetic and desperate.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), says he has been told that

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Obama Pushed Business to Axelrod Firm to Sell Socialized Health-Care Law

Obama Pushed Business to Axelrod Firm to Sell Socialized Health-Care Law

Obama Pushed Business to Axelrod Firm to Sell Socialized Health-Care Law

The White House pushed business to Obama’s presidential adviser’s former firm, who would in turn push to sell Obama’s socialized health-care law to the American People..

A very shady game of “you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours” (only with the president, his adviser, an unconstitutional law, and a lot of wasted public money)

If this would have happened under a Republican presidency, liberal hypocrites would have been up in arms about the corruption and called for hearings about the illegal use of public funds.

Rewind to 2009. The fight over ObamaCare is raging, and a few news outlets report that something looks ethically rotten in the White House. An outside group funded by industry is paying the former firm of senior presidential adviser David Axelrod to run ads in favor of the bill. That firm, AKPD Message and Media, still owes Mr. Axelrod money and employs his son.

The story quickly died, but emails recently released by the House Energy and Commerce Committee ought to resurrect it.

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