Corrupt Democrat Former D.C. Council Member Michael Brown Gets 39 Month Prison Sentence For Bribery

Democrat Former D.C. council member Michael Brown has received over 3 years in federal prison as punishment for his crime of accepting bribes while in office.

Corrupt Democrat Former D.C. Council Member Michael Brown Gets 39 Month Prison Sentence For Bribery

Corrupt Democrat Former D.C. Council Member Michael Brown Gets 39 Month Prison Sentence For Bribery

Michael Brown is the 3rd D.C. council member to be found guilty of federal crimes in the past 3 years! This makes Brown a typical Democrat – self-serving, corrupt, and thinks he is above the law.

The corrupt former D.C. council member should have also been held responsible for his campaign finance violations after being caught accepting more than $120,000 in illegal campaign donations from businessman Jeffrey E. Thompson, who has already pleaded guilty to the crime.

If Michael Brown were a conservative he would be paying the price for all of his crimes, instead of just the crime of bribery, and may have been looking at something more like 5 years in federal prison instead of only 3.

Former D.C. Council member Michael A. Brown was sentenced Thursday to 39 months in prison for accepting cash bribes while

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Chris Matthews Is Sick of “Thrill Up Leg” Comments & Questions – Dispairages Gays

Chris Matthews Is Sick of "Thrill Up Leg" Comments & Questions - Dispairages Gays

Chris Matthews Is Sick of "Thrill Up Leg" Comments & Questions - Dispairages Gays

So cry baby Chris Matthews is getting upset about being asked about getting a thrill up his leg while watching Obama speak?
Go cry to someone who cares Chris, you corrupt, Obama-swooning, liberal, piece of shit!

Chris Matthews is not only one of the worst offending members of the corrupt and dying media, but he also disparaged gays by saying:
“Perhaps I shouldn’t have said so because I’ve given a lot of jackasses the chance to talk about it, and usually they say ‘tingle’ which says something about their orientation, but thats alright.”

Yes. Chris Matthews is sick of people making fun of him for declaring on national television that he got a “thrill up his leg” after listening to President Obama.

Fishbowl DC notes that Matthews unleashed on CSPAN’s Steve Scully, after asking about the “thrill up his leg” comment during a media panel at a convention in Boston.

“Is the thrill still there?” asked Scully.

Matthews wasn’t thrilled with the question.

“I hope that

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A U.S. appeals court for the 11th Circuit ruled today that Obama’s Socialized Healthcare law, (now re-branded by the corrupt Democrats as the “Affordable Care Act” to try and trick people into thinking it’s not the same thing as Obamacare) which forces people to purchase a service against their will, or else face a penalty, was unconstitutional.

Obama and the corrupt, brain-dead, socialists that run the Democrat party have not given up, and again said that “Today’s ruling is one of many decisions on the Affordable Care Act that we will see in the weeks and months ahead. In the end, we are confident the Act will ultimately be upheld as constitutional”.

We doubt it, unless the liberal jackasses in the 9th District are the ones to make the ruling..

President Barack Obama’s healthcare law suffered a setback Friday when a U.S. appeals court ruled that it was unconstitutional to require all Americans to buy insurance or face a penalty.

The Appeals Court for the 11th Circuit, based in Atlanta, found that Congress exceeded its authority by requiring Americans to


Inept, Gaffe Master, Joe Biden Calls Tea Party Patriots “Terrorists”!!

Up until a few weeks ago, I always thought that Joe Biden was a pretty honest Democrat in a sea of corrupt, un-trustworthy, socialist, jackasses, who want nothing less than to run our nation and it’s economy straight into the ground. But after Biden’s last “terrorist” remark, aimed at Tea Party Patriots, I now put Biden in the same unhinged, partisan jackass column as the rest of the Democrat Culture of Corruption.

Jackass Biden said that the Tea Party Republicans “have acted like terrorists”, when, if ANYONE has acted like a terrorist, it is Obama and the Democrats. Democrats caused every bit of the problems we are currently facing, and actually WANT our nation’s economy to crumble, and they have done everything in their power to make it happen.

Anyone who lies over and over to the American People, throws the Trillions of our dollars down the toilet, socializes large portions of the U.S. economy, and crashes the rest in a ball of flames, and then wants to spend more of our hard-earned money, with no idea how to fix …

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