Jim Lehrer Thinks Debate Moderation was ‘Successful’ and ‘Effective’ – Millions Disagree
USBACKLASH feels that Jim Lehrer was a terrible moderator. He allowed Obama to walk all over him while taking an additional 4 minutes of speaking time, and then interrupted Romney at every available opportunity.
It got to the point where Romney finally decided to stop Obama’s rambling by interrupting him, since Lehrer was to weak and biased to do it himself.
Lehrer was also definitely not as passive as he may have planned. He said that he planned to Lehrer was actually spoon feeding Obama help with some of his answers, and leading the witness.
Here is one example of Jim Lehrer leading Obama to the answer he wanted Obama to give.
…LEHRER: Mr. President, please respond directly to what the governor just said about trickle-down, his trickle-down approach, as he said yours is. Do you challenge what the governor just said about his own plan,
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