Obama Apology of America Tour Blames U.S. For Mexico Violence – No Mention of Fast & Furious

Obama continues his ongoing Apology of America Tour in Mexico, blaming the U.S as the cause of the out-of-control violence in Mexico, not the powerful Mexican drug cartels, who have taken over the entire country, including every level of the government – if you can even call what they currently have, a government.

During Obama’s Mexican Apology of America Tour, while blaming the U.S. for the guns in Mexico that come from the United States, Obama says that we are the “root cause” of violence and guns in Mexico, but made no mention of the Fast & Furious scandal, which was run entirely by the Obama administration, where Obama’s people allowed thousands of high-powered guns to be sold to Mexican drug cartels, and never tracked the guns, which have been used in many crimes, and probably many continue to be used today by drug cartels.

The Obama administration wanted to use the violence that their guns created in order to create support here in America for taking away gun rights, to nudging us closer to the Democrat’s real goal of …

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Supreme Court Justices Strike Down Parts of Arizona Immigration Law

Supreme Court Justices Strike Down Parts of Arizona Immigration Law

Supreme Court Justices Strike Down Parts of Arizona Immigration Law

This morning on the SCOTUSblog.com website we are reading reports of the Supreme Court striking down much of the Arizona Immigration law.

The good people in Arizona have been shot down for trying to uphold our nation’s laws, and protect our country from further attacks, while the Obama administration does everything in their power to keep our borders wide open, allowing drugs and weapons to be brought over the border, and making another terrorist attack on our soil much more likely.’

Note to terrorists – (as if they didn’t already know) The southern border of the United States is open, ready, and available to exploit in any way you choose. If any of you criminals want to smuggle people, weapons, or drugs over the border into the United States, go through Arizona, and with the Obama administration’s Open Border Policy you will not be caught.

Courts strikes down much of Arizona immigration law

This morning, the Court handed down its decision in Arizona v. United States, the case involving Arizona’s

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Obama To Ignore Order to Appear in Court By Atlanta Judge

Obama To Ignore Order to Appear in Court By Atlanta Judge

Obama To Ignore Order to Appear in Court By Atlanta Judge

Once again, Illegal Immigrant in Chief Obama, feels that he is above the law, and has decided to ignore a subpoena and judge’s order to appear in court.
Obama knows that if he did actually cooperate in the case against him, he would at worst be found not eligible to be president, or at the very least, would be badly damaged in his bid for re-election.

President Obama will ignore an order by an Atlanta judge to appear in court Thursday for a hearing in a case challenging his qualifications under the Constitution to be president.

According to the White House, Obama will continue with his current trip out West, starting the day in Las Vegas and then continuing on to Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora, Colorado before heading to Detroit where he will spend the night.

The Associated Press reported last week that the judge had denied a motion to quash a subpoena for the president to show up for the hearing, which is scheduled for 9

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Democrat Gov. Beverly Perdue Calls For Suspension of Elections for 2 Years – Claims It Was Joke

North Carolina Gov. Beverly Perdue said, in a speech at a local Rotary Club, that she thinks Congress should suspend elections for two years so lawmakers can work on stimulating the economy without the “partisan bickering”.

After she started catching all kinds of heat for the comment, her office came out with the lie that Gov. Perdue was just joking about suspending elections, but we can all see through their cover-up.

“If it was a joke, what was the set-up? What was the punch-line? Where was the pause for laughter? It took them three hours to say it was a ‘joke,’ but when that flopped it became ‘hyperbole.’ We’ll just call it an unconstitutionally bad idea.”

Republicans rebuked North Carolina Gov. Beverly Perdue after she suggested Congress suspend elections for two years so lawmakers can get to work stimulating the economy unencumbered by anxiety about what voters think.

The governor’s office has since claimed the remark was “hyperbole.” But the North Carolina GOP isn’t buying it.

“Listen to the Governor’s words: She wasn’t joking at all. The congressional Democrats are

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Racist Rep. James Clyburn Urges Obama To Use Executive Order To Raise Debt Ceiling

Racist South Carolina Rep. James Clyburn shows how much he knows about the constitution when he urges Obama to bypass the Congress, to use an Executive Order invoking the 14th Amendment to raise the debt ceiling without approval of Congress.

This is the same jackass who said that the problems that the “president’s problems are in large measure because of the color of his skin.”, likened using an Executive Order to raise the debt ceiling to the Emancipation Proclamation, and was also one of 31 Democrats who voted in the House not to count the electoral votes from Ohio in the 2004 presidential election, because it would have given John Kerry a better chance of winning the election. So who would listen to this idiot?

Even Obama has said that raising the debt ceiling with an executive order is not an option, and is off the table, but he also said that he “talked to my lawyers” and “they are not persuaded that that is a winning argument.”. So if it were possible, he would have already crammed their increased …

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House Speaker John Boehner’s Reply to Obama’s Debt Ceiling Speech

This is a full  transcript of House Speaker John Boehner’s reply to Obama’s debt ceiling speech.

Read the transcript of Obama’s Debt Ceiling Speech Here.

Good evening. I’m John Boehner. I serve as Speaker of the whole House — of the members of both parties that you elect. These are difficult times in the life of our nation. Millions are looking for work, have been for some time, and the spending binge going on in Washington is a big part of the reason why.

Before I served in Congress, I ran a small business in Ohio. I was amazed at how different Washington DC operated than every business in America. Where most American business make the hard choices to pay their bills and live within their means, in Washington more spending and more debt is business as usual.

I’ve got news for Washington – those days are over.

President Obama came to Congress in January and requested business as usual — yet another routine increase in the national debt limit — we in the House said ‘not so fast.’ Here

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