Big Obama Supporter – Olympics Uniform Maker – Ralph Lauren Had Uniforms Made In China

Big Obama Supporter - Olympics Uniform Maker - Ralph Lauren Had Uniforms Made In China

Big Obama Supporter – Olympics Uniform Maker – Ralph Lauren Had Uniforms Made In China

Obama and the Dumbocrats want to keep lying to the American People about outsourcing done by a company that Mitt Romney used to work for, but Obama is the real Outsourcer In Chief.

It has been revealed that Ralph Lauren, a company who makes grossly overpriced junk clothing, and made the uniforms that US athletes will wear in this years Olympics, had the uniforms produced in China.

We are also learning that Ralph Lauren is a big Obama supporter, and has given more than $35,000 to the Democratic National Committee.

Lawmakers were livid to discover that the United States’ Olympic team uniforms were made in China. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) even suggested “they should take all the uniforms, put them in a big pile and burn them and start all over again.”

The company who designed the uniforms, Ralph Lauren, has received less scrutiny. Few outlets have noted that Ralph Lauren himself is a prominent contributor to President Obama and the Democratic

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Solyndra Lists “California Democratic Party” As Bankrupt Solar-Panel Plant Creditor

Why would the ultra-liberal and corrupt California Democratic Party be listed in the list of creditors to the failed solar-panel company, Solyndra, and then the California Democratic Party’s communications director, Tenoch Flores, said in a reply that the California Democratic Party was not owed “any funds in any form” from Solyndra.

That is not a denial that they are a creditor of Solyndra. It only means that they do not want Solyndra to pay back the cash they are owed, or they were already paid back, but it sill leaves the question of why? Who would the California Democratic Party be a creditor to a company that received over a half billion dollars in federal loans?


This scandal gets bigger by the minute, and the corruption, and subsequent cover-up attempt reaches into all levels of the Democrat party, from the state level, all the way up the Obama himself.

Out of the hundreds of out-of-work employees, vendors, investors and other creditors in the bankruptcy of government-backed solar-panel maker Solyndra LLC, one name stands

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Coward Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Vows To Kill Republican Debt Plan To Continue Gridlock

Screw You Too Harry! This jackass Democrat, Harry Reid, must be removed from office in the next election, and we will be giving a lot of money to anyone who will try kicking his corrupt ass out of the Senate!

Republicans are really the only party who are honestly trying to come up with plans to deal with Obama’s out-of-control spending binge. The Republicans have passed one bill in the House, and will most likely pass another bill tonight. The corrupt jackass Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has promised that the Democrats will kill the bill though, so all of the work and time spent will be for nothing.

Looks like it may be true that the Obama and the Democrats actually WANT our nation to default on our debt so that they can remake it into their ideal socialist nation.

House Republicans are just wasting their time debating Speaker John Boehner’s debt reduction bill, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said today.

“Boehner’s bill dies tonight,” Reid communications director Adam Jentleson wrote on Twitter. “Forever.”

The House of Representatives is

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