Obama 2nd Term “Dead In The Water” After Just 6 Months – Lame Duck Presidency Starts Early
Damn, We Love Charles Krauthammer!! We have said it before, and we say again that Charles Krauthammer is the smartest political mind in America. He always hit the nail right on the head when reading the Obama administration, and has done it again.
You can read the original Charles Krauthammer post here
…Obama turned his inaugural and State of the Union addresses into a left-wing dream factory, from his declaration of war on global warming (on a planet where temperatures are the same as 16 years ago and in a country whose CO2 emissions are at a 20-year low) to the invention of new entitlements — e.g., universal preschool for 5-year-olds— for a country already drowning in debt.
To realize his dreams, Obama sought to fracture and neutralize the congressional GOP as a prelude to reclaiming the House in 2014. This would enable him to fully enact his agenda in the final two years of his presidency, usually a time of lame-duck paralysis. Hail the Obama juggernaut.
Well, that story — excuse me, narrative — lasted exactly six months. The
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