Caught in More Lies – Obama Admin Now Admits Knowledge of Steelworker Family Story – Not Coordination with Priorities USA

Caught in More Lies - Obama Admin Now Admits Knowledge of Steelworker Family Story - Not Coordination with Priorities USA

Caught in More Lies – Obama Admin Now Admits Knowledge of Steelworker Family Story – Not Coordination with Priorities USA

Initially, while denying that they coordinated with the Priorities USA PAC on the shameful and false attack ad where Romney was falsely tied to the death of a steelworker’s wife, the Obama administration said “we don’t have any knowledge of the story of the family.”

Now, after the story has gone viral on the Internet, the Obama administration knows that they are caught in another lie, and they have gone back on their initial denial and have now admitted that they did know about the steelworker’s story.

This is not a real acknowledgement though, and the Obama administration only admitted to as little as they could to keep Republicans from investigating the illegal connection and coordination between Priorities USA PAC and the Obama administration.

Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki acknowledged Thursday that the campaign was no longer pleading ignorance about the story of a man who has appeared in both a super PAC ad and a campaign ad.

“No one

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Bill Clinton Puts High Praise On Romney & Bain Capital – Record Was “Sterling”

Bill Clinton is speaking out about Mitt Romney and Bain Capital, and his remarks cast a good light on Mitt Romney, and his time at Bain Capital.

Bill Clinton Puts High Praise On Romney & Bain Capital - Record Was "Sterling"

Bill Clinton Puts High Praise On Romney & Bain Capital - Record Was "Sterling"

President Clinton told CNN’s Harvey Weinstein that Mitt Romney’s business record at Bain Capital was “sterling” and was also a “good business career”.

Clinton doesn’t feel the necessity to lie for Obama, and attack the good work of a conservative, in order to boost the chances of the worst president in US history to be reelected. (only to do more damage to our country and economy)

I have always trusted President Clinton, and think that, besides the whole Monica Lewinsky ordeal, Mr. Clinton usually tells the truth, even if it is not what the rest of his party wants to hear.

USBACKLASH would like to commend President Clinton on his ongoing bipartisanship and fairness, not seen from many other Democrats.

President Bill Clinton veered sharply off message Thursday, telling CNN that Mitt Romney’s business record at Bain Capital was

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