Obama’s Butt Buddy Jeff Zucker Says CNN Won’t Be Shamed Into Covering Benghazi Scandal Investigation
Obama’s butt buddy, corrupt CNN President Jeff Zucker, told a group at the New York Times that CNN won’t be “shamed” into covering the hearings investigating the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack. CNN cannot be trusted.

Obama’s Butt Buddy Jeff Zucker Says CNN Won’t Be Shamed Into Covering Benghazi Scandal Investigation
If CNN could be shamed into doing the right thing then they would have started doing the right thing, and started looking into the corruption and crimes of the Obama administration long ago, but everyone knows that CNN is just a corrupt media arm of Obama’s White House, and Jeff Zucker is nothing more than a lowly servant to King Obama.
For the corrupt liberal biased media like CNN, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, etc, what the White House says, goes. If a station like CNN doesn’t run their so-called “News Organizations” the way that Obama and the Democrats want you to then they are shut out and attacked by the left.
This is why FOX kicks the crap out of CNN and all of the other liberal news hack stations …
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