Alec “Homophobe” Baldwin Shoots Our Tweet Containing Gay Slur Aimed at Former Romney Aide
Homophobe extraordinaire Alec Baldwin is at it again.
This time he is using gay slurs against a former aide to Mitt Romney, saying “You’re on your knees in that photo. What’s up with that Garrett?”. After a few back and forths Mr. Baldwin or someone in his camp started deleting some of the more offensive tweets, including the original “You’re on your knees” tweet that started the whole thing.
If I remember right, a few months ago Alec Baldwin announced that he was leaving public life. I believe it was right after he got the axe from his short-lived liberal MSNBC show. Too bad he wasn’t serious.
…Alec Baldwin, who lost his MSNBC show after allegedly using an anti-gay slur, is in the midst of an attempt to rehabilitate his image around LGBT issues. He’s set to lead a discussion April 27 with openly gay former Congressman Barney Frank about a new documentary, Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank, at the Tribeca Film
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