While Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Exclusively Used Private Email to Conceal Administration Crime & Corruption
Transparent my ass! Hillary Clinton Email Scandal is rocking the Democrats for good reason..
Hillary Clinton intentionally and exclusively used her own personal email account, which is run from a server in her house, and registered to someone who most likely doesn’t even exist, instead of using her government email.

While Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Exclusively Used Private Email to Conceal Administration Crime & Corruption
Clinton did this because it’s far easier to defend herself when she controls what emails will be turned over for further scrutiny.
“Secretary Clinton has left herself in the unique position of being the only one to determine what records the American people are entitled to”
I, and most conservatives, would love to see Hillary ending up being the Democrat candidate for President, as she will have to continually defend herself against the details of her scandals, crime and corruption, and will be completely torn to shreds by the time the election rolls around, handing the election to the Republicans.
…The congressional committee dedicated investigating the 2012 terrorist attacks on the US diplomatic compound
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