Chuck Schumer obviously should be punished harshly for threatening the lives of Supreme Court justices, but don’t hold your breath.. We’ve come to not expect the democrat losers to be held accountable for their actions and crimes.
The American People need to stand up to these lawless democrat criminals, who abuse their power everyday, in collusion with the fake news liars, to falsely attack the President of the United States using made-up bullshit, while covering up real crimes by treasonous democrat criminals.
Hypocrisy is typical in politics, but New York Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer sank to a new low last Wednesday during a rally in front of the Supreme Court.
Speaking against a commonsense Louisiana abortion restriction, Sen. Schumer said, “ I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price.”
This is the same senator who back in February discussed the need for an independent judiciary and argued that politicians should not attack judges. So, it’s troubling to see Schumer stoop to threatening violence against Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch.
The minority leader is more interested in scoring political points than he is in defending the rule of law or protecting judges from political backlash. Next time Schumer complains about the Supreme Court, remember this moment and ask yourself whether you can trust anything he says.
Sen. Schumer tried to walk back his threats in a speech from the Senate floor. “Now, I should not have used the words I used yesterday. They didn’t come out the way I intended to. My point was that there would be political consequences — political consequences — for President Trump and Senate Republicans if the Supreme Court with the newly-confirmed justices stripped away a woman’s right to choose.”
Unfortunately for the Democrat from New York, words mean something, and he referenced Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch by name. Given the context of Schumer’s remarks — he was speaking to a group of angry protesters within a few hundred feet of the justices — his threats should not be ignored or downplayed.
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