We knew that Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein is dumb as a wet bowl of oatmeal, but she must also be completely senile.

Stupid Sen. Dianne Feinstein Doesn’t Know Difference Between Drone & Toy Helicopter Hanging From String
Sen. Feinstein said on “60 Minutes” that she looked out her window whhen a group of Code Pinkers were protesting outside, and saw a drone looking at her.
“I’m in my home and there’s a demonstration out front, and I go to peek out the window and there’s a drone facing me.”
Apparently, brain-dead dinosaur Dianne Feinstein doesn’t know the difference between a real drone, like the ones that Obama uses to kill Americans, and a toy helicopter dangling from a string, because that’s all it really was – a toy helicopter.
In an interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) was unhappy with the lack of regulation of unmanned aerial vehicles which was brought to her attention by a demonstration outside her home, where the senator claimed she faced a “drone.”
In fact she faced a toy helicopter that crashed so many times outside the senators home during the Code Pink protest the group resorted to dangling it from a string. An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or drone, is controlled at different times both remotely by a pilot and autonomously or computer-controlled while a Radio-Controlled Aircraft (RCA) is completely pilot controlled with a handheld radio transmitter.
FEINSTEIN: “I’m in my home and there’s a demonstration out front, and I go to peek out the window and there’s a drone facing me.
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