Stupid Libtards Hide Overwhelming Negative Feedback On Brainless GOP Electors Video Including Washed-Up “Celebrities”

Ha Ha Ha!! This is great! These libtard braid-dead so-called “celebrities” created a video entitled “A Message For Electors To Unite For America”, which was just a lot of washed-up losers begging GOP electors to go against the will of the American People and vote for someone other than President Elect Donald J. Trump, but the feedback on the video was overwhelmingly negative, so the untrustworthy douchebags just hid the feedback all together.

At the time when the brainless libtard liars decided to hide the negative feedback their video had received only 2,850 positive votes and at least 24,679 negative votes! That’s a huge portion of the viewers who watched the video and didn’t like what they were hearing, seeing or both.

Who in their right mind would say “Oh look, there is washed up loser Martin Sheen telling us to start a civil war in America by trying to get GOP electors to disregard their oath and vote against the will of the American voter.” and think it’s a good thing? I think most people would say “Ewww! Look at old washed-up loser Martin Sheen! He and his dentures are fucking disgusting!!”

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