The Muslim kid, Ahmed Mohamed, who brought the possible home-made beginnings to a suitcase bomb to school should not be apologized to. Ahmed Mohamed should be investigated to the fullest extent, and maybe even put in jail.

Stupid Liibtard Losers Apologize & Coddle Probable Terrorist In Training After Bringing Half-Made Suitcase Bomb to School
Maybe Ahmed Mohamed is a good kid, who loves technology and NASA, and really just wanted to build and bring the most idiotic fucking clock on the face of the earth to school.. Maybe…. but we think not.
That so-called “clock” was probably not really just a clock. It may have been able to tell time, but isn’t that one of the basic function of a timebomb, where a clock is needed to tell the explosives when to go BOOM?
The suitcase device seemed more like the makings of a terrorist killing device, including everything except the explosives. Just because the device has the ability to show the time, (or countdown to detonation) doesn’t mean that the device is what the kid says it is.
There should be a full investigation of Ahmed Mohamed and his family, and my thought is that there will be some kind of terrorist connection, and that the truth is that Ahmed Mohamed was practicing the terrorist bomb making skills that he has been learning.
You know when Bill Maher is defending the authorities for arresting someone named Ahmed Mohamed, after bringing a homemade bomb starter kit to school, that something is not right with the story, and we think that soon there will be more truth released about this story, instead of the lies and whitewashing we have been getting from the liberal turds in the so-called “media”.
Comedian Bill Maher is defending the arrest of Texas teen Ahmed Mohamed, who brought a homemade clock school authorities thought looked like a bomb.
Maher said on his “Real Time” HBO show the clock looked exactly like a ” f-cking bomb.”
“Look, this kid deserves an apology, no doubt about it, they were wrong, but can we have a little perspective about this?” Maher said on his show on Friday. “Did the teacher really do the wrong thing?”
Guest Jorge Ramos, Univision anchor claimed the teen was arrested because of he was Muslim.
“Because for the last 30 years, it’s been one culture that has been blowing shit up over and over again,” Maher responded.
“What if it had been a bomb?” Maher asked. “So the teacher is supposed to see something that looks like a bomb and go, ‘oh wait, this might just be my white privilege talking’? ‘I don’t want to be politically incorrect, so I’ll just let it go.’”
“He was arrested and they took him off in cuffs and then put him in a cage and burned him,” he said. “Oh, no, that’s ISIS who does that. We put a kid after school for a couple of hours. This is not the end of the world.”
Mohamed got an invite to the White House by President Obama. “Cool clock, Ahmed,” the president tweeted on Wednesday. “Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It’s what makes America great.”
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