Thin skinned political hack, and fake “journalist” Mika Brzezinski apparently REALLY doesn’t like being called out for the fake news that she and the rest of the losers on CNN try and pass off as legitimate news everyday, and now mental midget Mika Brzezinski seems to be fighting back by calling President Donald J. Trump a “Fake President”.

Stupid Libtard CNN Fake Journalist Hack Mika Brzezinski Calls President Donald Trump “Fake President”
“I say stop the war on the media right now. Fake news, fake presidency, that’s just what its going to come down to. A fake presidency.” – Fake CNN “Journalist” Hack Mika Brzezinski
Yea, I’m sure Mika Brzezinski wishes that President Donald Trump wasn’t really President of the United States, and Brzezinski and the rest of the brainless libtard political CNN hacks prove their untrustworthiness everyday with their false attacks on President Trump and conservatives who support him.
CNN is probably the very least trusted news source in America today, and for good reason. CNN CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED!
The American People have no trust in CNN reporting, and CNN will continue to tank badly in the polls, and will continue to lose viewers as long as they continue being the center of the fake news stratosphere by employing corrupt liberal biased political hacks, like disgusting hacks Mika Brzezinski and the others.
Morning Joe Host Doesn’t Like Being Called Fake News
MSNBC’s Morning Joe host, Mika Brzezinski, is very offended that her TV show is the mainstream media in general are being referred to as fake news.
On Monday, Brzezinski got very serious when she said that it is time for the President to stop the war on the media.
“I say stop the war on the media right now. Fake news, fake presidency, that’s just what its going to come down to. A fake presidency.”
These comments come only 5 days after she said that it is “our job” to “control what people think.”
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