The funny thing is that Bill Sienkiewicz looks like a total fucking nutless pussy, who probably got his ass handed to him every week as a kid, so now Sienkiewicz feels like he has to pick on women to look more manly.
BUT now that we have had a chance to actually look at the piece of shit libtard Bill Sienkiewicz, I think that most women, including Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and just about anyone else, could beat the living shit out of this weak-ass leftist loser.
I’d like to see just how tough this putrid troll leftist really is, and I would bet that the nutless turd would probably back down from a fight against Sarah Huckabee Sanders, or get his ass kicked all over the place.
Bill Sienkiewicz is apparently one heck of an artist. His employers include Marvel, DC Comics, Warner Bros, The New Yorker, and The Village Voice. He also happens to be one heck of a hypocritical tool if his latest work is any indication.
Sienkiewicz has created a series he debuted on Facebook called, “The Most Punchable Faces of 2017.” One of those faces — which has been extremely distorted — includes White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders over a range target.
We know what you’re thinking: aren’t leftists supposed to be the great defenders of women? That’s what they’d like us to believe. Yet, they prove time and time again that they’re the initiators of the real war on women — especially conservative women.
The artist is well aware of this, too, as he included a pre-defense of his cartoon knowing the backlash it would receive:
Before I get ALL the “you hateful liberal” crap from the Right…
I’m NOT advocating for violence against women.
This isn’t about gender, it’s about calling out lying scumbags who deserve some serious scolding and corrective head spankings- for their crimes against decency, morality – if not against history.
I’m willing to bet the first swings at her smarmy lying mug would be from women, women who find her as insufferable and deplorable as any of her male counterparts.
And besides, editorial cartooning is still freedom of speech.
So there’s that.
Right, you’re “NOT advocating for violence against women.” That must be why you put her face on a bullseye and called it “punchable.” Remember the outrage when Republican Sarah Palin “targeted” political opponents with bullseyes? Keep hiding behind the First Amendment, Bill, but we see you clearly.
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