It’s laughable to see such a stupid, fat, bald, piece of shit liberal, like Mike Dickinson, say that conservatives have a “mental disability” because we are mostly against murdering your babies.
“Anti choice, abortion haters are all basically mentally disabled. They cannot see or reason. It’s all bible thumping,” – Stupid liberal piece of shit Mike Dickinson
I think it’s the complete opposite. Anyone who could murder their own baby by having it’s spinal corn snipped, and have their own baby’s brain scrambled and sucked out of it’s skull with a vacuum is the real mentally disabled person.
Here are a few tweets from the psychotic liberal fatass piece of shit, Mike Dickinson. (Mike Dickinson probably worships the Devil?)
Mike Dickinson doesn’t really need to worry about people who wish to keep their constitutional rights being on his “train”. Most anti-gun lib-tards have guns, so I would also bet that the fat tub of goo probably also has a gun of his own.
Mike Dickinson getting elected means that liberal jackasses will continue attacking conservatives and taking away our rights. In fact I would bet that most of the conservatives in his district will do everything in their power to make sure that such a worthless piece of shit like Mike Dickinson never gets elected.
A Democratic candidate running for the legislative seat currently held by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is taking the GOP head-on, slamming the gun rights crowd and the pro-life people with the same hateful brush that suggests: You’re all inferior on the intellectual front.
Legislative hopeful Mike Dickinson tweeted on his “DickinsonForCongress” account: “Anyone who supports Obama hating get off my train. Anyone who supports [expletive] the NRA get off my train.”
Mr. Dickinson also tweeted about the NRA: “[T]he NRA is a god awful fear mongering group and those who support the NRA are pure trash,” The Blaze reported.
He then went on to tweet out his harsh appraisal of those who oppose abortion.
“Anti choice, abortion haters are all basically mentally disabled. They cannot see or reason. It’s all bible thumping,” Mr. Dickinson tweeted, as reported by The Blaze.
Mr. Dickinson describes himself as a “liberal Democrat,” The Blaze reported. And when one Twitter posted wrote a response to his slam of the NRA — “I went to engineering school and I support the NRA” — Mr. Dickinson issued a condescending reply.
“Went or graduated? RW has large college dropout rate,” he tweeted.
On a side note, I think it’s funny that I did an image search for the nobody Mike Dickinson, and there are only three images of the fatass piece of shit liberal fuck-tard. I come up with double that when I do an image search of myself, and I’m not running for office.
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