I’ve heard from many people that Stephen Colbert is a closet homo who got his job by sucking a LOT of executive cock, and I TOTALLY believe it!
Maybe that’s how he knows so much about being a “cock holster”, because Colbert probably spends so much time with shafts in his mouth all the time.
Even if what we hear is wrong, and Colbert doesn’t suck dicks, his show definitely does suck down the shaft, balls and all!!
I wonder how the companies who advertise on Colbert’s show really feel about the content of his shows, and his over-the-top false attack on the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump.
These companies that continue to support such a shitty show need to be boycotted:
- Ford
- Volvo
- Phoenix University
- Bank of America
- Net10
The truth is probably more like Colbert’s show is not doing well, so they have to resort to using cheap tricks to score points with the lowest scum in America, the rabid libtard anti-American Socialist Democrats. Get them one on one and they say they love America, but get them in a group of more than 5 and the hatred of our nation starts to flow freely. You’d probably even see a flag burning or two.
Conservatives need to start playing the same game as the libtard Democrats, and attack every weakness of the left, finding every crack to exploit that may bring down the people who should not be allowed to keep the positions they have. Otherwise the game is lost, because the left has made some very negative changes in America over the 8 horrible years of the terrorist-friendly anti-American Obama administration.
Stephen Colbert unleashed a torrent of anti-Trump jokes on his show Monday night, ending with a cock-in-Trump’s-mouth jab that made his audience roar.
The 12-minute tirade was dedicated to the 100-day mark in Trump’s presidency, and Colbert went after Trump with a vengeance.
The jokes included, “The only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s cock holster.”
The audience loved it, but … hard to ignore it’s a seriously homophobic punchline … the kind of thing that usually gets celebs in hot water.
Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2017/05/02/stephen-colbert-homophobic-donald-trump-cock-joke-putin/
#FireColbert – Contact CBS and tell them that you will no longer support their network if piece of shit Stephen Colbert is allowed to stay on the air.
#BoycottColbertAdvertisers – All true conservatives need to let it be known without a doubt that you will be boycotting the companies who continue to support such a stupid rabid libtard loser like Stephen Colbert. Let these companies know that they will undoubtedly be hurt by continuing to support Colbert’s shit-show. Ford, Volvo, Phoenix University, Bank of America, Net10, list to grow, please stay tuned.
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org