Soledad O’Brien & Other Stupid Liberal Assholes Try Adding Racial Connection To Term “Thug”

Stupid liberal assholes in the so-called “media” want you and I to have no words to describe these racist thugs who keep burning down their own cities, other than just calling them “protesters”, which can’t be farther from the truth. Protesters protest and do not destroy a city like dangerous and violent thugs do.

Soledad O’Brien & Other Stupid Liberal Assholes Try Adding Racial Connection To Term "Thug"

Soledad O’Brien & Other Stupid Liberal Assholes Try Adding Racial Connection To Term “Thug”

Here is a definition of the word Thug, for all of the idiots in the liberal media. (notice there is no mention of Black people)

thug [thuhg] – noun
1. a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer.
2. (sometimes initial capital letter) one of a former group of professional robbers and murderers in India who strangled their victims.

The Black community wants the word “Thug” to be something good, and many rappers even rap about the “Thug Life”, but just because the Black community has claimed the word “Thug”, and then doesn’t like when the term is used, doesn’t mean that we all have to stop using it.

There are plenty of White thugs, as well as plenty of Black thugs, as well as Asian and Mexican thugs.

I don’t call people the N word, and ofter report about public personalities but if someone is a thug, they are a thug, no matter what color they are, and I couldn’t care less what the brainless libtards have to say. I will always call out stupid thugs when I see them.

On CNN’s Reliable Sources Sunday, former anchor Soledad O’Brien condemned the use of the term “thug” to describe the Baltimore rioters, calling it a “proxy” for the “N-word.” When guest host Frank Sesno pointed out that both President Obama and the Baltimore mayor used the term, O’Brien suggested the two had a “specific agenda” in using it.

SESNO: Why has “thug” become such a loaded word?

O’BRIEN: Listen, I think what the Baltimore city councilman Carl Stokes was trying to tell Erwin Burnett is that “thug” is a proxy, is a word that we use instead of the N-word. And I think that’s really true. I can’t think of a situation where there’s ever been a headline or someone has called a white young person who is in the middle of a violent protest demonstration, whatever, a thug. We use it all the time when we’re talking about people in the inner city.

Sesno pushed back a little, saying that the dictionary definition of the word contains no “racial connection,” and then pointed out that the president and the African American Baltimore mayor both used the word to describe the rioters. But O’Brien said that didn’t prove anything, citing a “specific agenda” the two politicans might have had in mind that journalists should not:

O’BRIEN: Well, doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t have a specific agenda in how they’re using it. When you talk about journalists, though, I think journalists shouldn’t have an agenda…And I think when you examine when the word is used, it’s used to describe the actions of people of color, specifically people who are in the inner city. I think for journalists to have a debate back and forth about thug and thuggery is naive and sort of misplaced, because it’s not really the question. Journalists should strive to use words that describe accurately what’s happening.

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