Señorita Elizabeth “Paco” Warren Changes Name & Race After Sham DNA Test Proves More Mexican Than Indian

Señorita Elizabeth “Paco” Warren must be completely embarrassed after releasing the results of her sham DNS test, which she claims proves that she has American Indian blood, when in fact the sham test proved nothing except that Elizabeth Ann Heming Warren is a lying dumb-fuck cheater who knowingly used her false heritage lies to get special treatment throughout her life.

Señorita Elizabeth "Paco" Warren Changes Name & Race After Sham DNA Test Proves More Mexican Than Indian

Señorita Elizabeth “Paco” Warren Changes Name & Race After Sham DNA Test Proves More Mexican Than Indian

The Cherokee Nation even ripped Elizabeth Warren to shreds for her racist lies.

“Sovereign tribal nations set their own legal requirements for citizenship, and while DNA tests can be used to determine lineage, such as paternity to an individual, it is not evidence for tribal affiliation,” Hoskin continued. “Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong. It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven. Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage.”

The fake DNA test revealed by “Elizabeth Running Bullshit Warren” proves that Warren is an untrustworthy opportunist who will do whatever it takes to get ahead, and that her nickname should really be more like “Señorita Elizabeth Paco Warren”

First of all, the dude that did the DNA test (Carlos Bustamante) used to Mexican, Colombian, and Peruvian blood samples while doing his testing, so the test is a complete sham to begin with – and on top of that Warren’s 1/1,024th American Indian heritage is far less than most other average Americans.

Bustamante hedged his comment to Warren when he said “The facts suggest that you absolutely have Native American ancestry in your pedigree.”

When someone says the facts “suggest” that means the results are being stretched to fit their narrative, which is to be expected in this case when Bustamante did a sham DNA test designed to falsely confirm Señorita Warren’s years of lies.

So… Bustamante’s test really only shows that Señorita Warren are something like 1/1024th Peruvian, Mexican, and/or Colombian – but definitely not American Indian.

But now we have the Fake News jackoffs continue spreading bullshit Democrat/Warren lies, saying how there is “strong evidence” of Warren having Native American blood, but apparently these Fake News dickheads don’t actually read real news – they just make up fake news – because the so-called evidence actually says that Warren has basically no American Indian heritage.

Pocahontas should probably go ahead and change her name to Señorita Elizabeth “Paco” Warren, because it appears that she has far more Mexican in her than Indian.

Spreading lies to benefit the Democrat Party is what the establishment media do. For example, over the weekend, NBC News fabricated the lie that President Trump gushed over Confederate General Robert E. Lee. This was a deliberate lie to smear Trump as racist, and it was only corrected by NBC after the lie had run its course.

Over the same weekend, CNN crafted its own lie to make Donald Trump Jr. look racist.

The media lie. And then the media lie some more. And now the media are lying about Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and her debacle of a DNA test. These are lies of omission and commission, but they are still lies because the media are desperate to mislead and deceive. With all that in mind…

Here are the establishment media’s 9 biggest lies surrounding Warren’s Indian ancestry and DNA test…

Elizabeth Warren’s DNA Test Shows “Strong Evidence” of American Indian Ancestry

Although fake news outlets like CNN are running fake headlines that read “Elizabeth Warren releases DNA test with ‘strong evidence’ of Native American ancestry,” the exact opposite is true.

In fact, Warren’s DNA test only proves that her Native ancestry is usual-usual, no higher, and maybe even lower, than the average white American.

According to the test, Warren’s Indian genome might be between 1/64 and 1/1024, or 0.1 percent to 1.56 percent.

The average white American is .18 American Indian, nearly double the low end of Warren’s estimate.

Warren’s DNA Test Proves She at Least Has “Some” American Indian Ancestry

Warren’s DNA was not even compared to samples of American Indian DNA. Rather, it was compared to samples from Mexico, Peru, and Colombia.

This means that all Warren’s DNA test proved is that she might be 1/64 to 1/2024 Mexican, Peruvian, or Columbian — which again puts her well within the norm of the average white American.

American Indian tribes refuse to participate in DNA testing for a number of reasons, including exploitation by white people using identity for mercenary reasons – which is exactly what Warren has done.

Warren’s DNA test is so offensive to the Cherokee Nation that for the first time in the six year saga of this controversy, it weighed in on Monday to disavow and chastise Warren.

Warren’s DNA Test Proves Her Claim of Indian Lore In Her Family
VERDICT: Nopers.

Warren’s false claim she is Cherokee was debunked years ago. To defend her lies, Warren has said that she came to believe she was part Native due to the stories told to her by family members.

Even this claim has been debunked.

Some members of Warren’s own family strongly deny any talk in the family of Native ancestry.

The DNA Test Proves Warren’s Great-Great-Great Grandmother was Indian
VERDICT: Not even close, and not only for the reasons listed above.

Warren has claimed her great-great-great-grandmother, O.C. Sarah Smith, was part American Indian. Historical documents prove Smith identified as “white.”

Too bad Warren didn’t inherit Granny Smith’s “honesty” genes.

Warren Said She Was Part Native and the Test Proves She’s Part Native
VERDICT: Yeah, no.

Warren never claimed she was part Native, nor did she claim she is as Native as the average white American, which is all this DNA test proved.

Rather, Warren claimed she was an American Indian, specifically Cherokee or Delaware.

For every year between 1986 and 1995, Warren identified herself as “Native American” in the Association of American Law Schools Directory of law professors.

She signed off on a recipe in the Pow Wow Chow Cookbook as “Elizabeth Warren — Cherokee.”

Warren told the University of Pennsylvania to change her ethnicity from “white” to “Native American” after taking a job as a law professor.

At the beginning of her academic career, there is just no question Warren dined on a phony minority status based on the worst kind of cultural appropriation.

Warren Believes She’s Native Due to Discrimination Faced By Her Parents
VERDICT: A blazing fireball off total nonsense.

To this very day, Warren stands by the debunked story her parents were forced to elope in 1932 due to family outrage over her father marrying a woman with Indian blood. Except…

Contemporaneous news reports and a marriage certificate appear to prove Warren’s parents were married in a church ceremony — so no dramatic elopement.

Trump Lost His Bet About Warren’s Ancestry

Back in July, Trump offered to donate $1 million to a charity of Warren’s choice if a DNA test proved she was Indian.

Here is his exact quote: “I will give you a million dollars to your favorite charity, paid for by Trump, if you take the test and it shows you’re an Indian.”

Well, her DNA test proved she is not American Indian, not even close, nowhere near enough to claim status as a minority, and certainly not enough to join an American Indian tribe.

If Warren is Native, every average white person in America is Native.

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