Selfish Obama Shuns Camp David For Luxurious $ Multimillion Vacations

Why doesn’t Obama like going to Camp David as all other Presidents for the last 70+ years have done?
Two answers. Money and Golf.

Selfish Obama Shuns Camp David For Luxurious $ Multimillion Vacations

Selfish Obama Shuns Camp David For Luxurious $ Multimillion Vacations

Other than practicing his putting on a putting green, Obama cannot play golf at Camp David. Obama thinks he is a golf pro, and if he is not in Palm Springs or Tampa playing golf then he probably feels as though he is being cheated out of practice time for a shot on the PGA Tour.

The bottom line is that Obama wants to spend as much of the American Taxpayer’s money as he can, and going to Camp David wouldn’t cost the American People $ millions, like all of his other vacations and golf outings.

This is not exclusive to Mr. Obama, as Michelle Obama is permitted to waste $ millions of taxpayer money as well. Many times flying by herself instead of flying with Obama and everyone else. This goes along with the story we read last week that Obama and Michelle will be divorced soon after he leaves office. Maybe Michelle can’t stand having to hang out with Mr. Obama, and would just rather do things separately. We would not fault her for that.

President Obama reads briefing material while meeting with advisers inside his cabin at Camp David in 2012. Compared with President Bush, seen right with first lady Laura Bush on a 4-mile walk, Mr. Obama seldom uses the presidential retreat. On weekends, he often opts to play golf. The Bushes founds the grounds to be a good place for family.

President Obama differs from his predecessor on more than just policy.

Compared with President George W. Bush, Mr. Obama has rarely visited Camp David, the sprawling, secluded retreat in northern Maryland that has become a regular getaway spot for presidents over the past 70 years.

Although Mr. Obama hasn’t shunned the location entirely — he spent his 52nd birthday there last year — veteran Washington reporters and pundits say it’s clear that the 44th president hasn’t warmed up to Camp David in the same way as did Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter and Mr. Bush.

“I suspect part of the reason is because his daughters would prefer to be in the city, prefer to be at the White House,” said Ken Walsh, chief White House correspondent for U.S. News & World Report and author of the book “From Mount Vernon to Crawford: A History of the Presidents and Their Retreats.”

“I’ve been told that as an urban man, a guy from Chicago, he doesn’t take to Camp David and its rural setting as much as other presidents have. That’s another part of it,” he said.

The White House didn’t respond to a request for comment on the president’s opinion of the retreat. Other political reporters have theorized that Mr. Obama isn’t fond of Camp David because it doesn’t have a full golf course, and the president prefers to spend weekends on the links.

Whatever the reason, records show the retreat isn’t a favorite of this president.

Since taking office, Mr. Obama has made 32 trips to Camp David and spent all or part of 78 days there, said Mark Knoller, a longtime White House correspondent for CBS News who tracks in detail presidential travels.

By this point in his presidency, Mr. Bush had visited the retreat 104 times, more than three times as often, and spent all or part of 329 days there. Throughout his eight years in office, the former Texas governor went to Camp David 150 times and spent all or part of 491 days there, Mr. Knoller said.

For Mr. Bush, the location offered an escape from Washington and an opportunity to gather family and friends in a relaxed, scenic environment, said Bush White House press secretary Scott McClellan.

“The extended Bush family enjoyed gathering there for Christmas. The president and Mrs. Bush enjoyed inviting their closest friends to spend weekends at Camp David,” Mr. McClellan said. “I think it allowed him to relax and unwind a little more than a president can at the White House. Having a retreat like Camp David is a great benefit for any president to decompress, get outside the White House fishbowl and spend time with family and close friends, and I think that is important for helping to keep a president grounded.”

Frequent guests

Other presidents also have embraced Camp David’s relative seclusion.

President Clinton visited more frequently during his second term. President George H.W. Bush also spent a good deal of time there, and his daughter, Dorothy, was married at the retreat.

The elder Mr. Bush’s predecessor, historians say, escaped to the retreat almost every chance he got

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