Security Alejandro Mayorkas Committed Perjury While Under Oath Before Congress – This Cannot Go Unpunished

With the admission by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, we now know, with 100% certainty, that Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas committed perjury multiple times when he lied to Congress, while under oath, when he claimed his office was not pressuring social media companies to censor Americans.

Here is Mush-Brain Biden denying that Hunter Biden’s laptop was real, which we all now know was a shit-faced lie by pushed by the Deep State in our government to affect the election, and now we also have evidence that they pressured social media companies, like Facebook, to cover-up Hunter Biden’s laptop story as well as pushing countless other lies. Zuckerberg hasn’t admitted to the crime of pushing government lies yet, but we all know he did, and I would bet you anything, if we could dig through Zuckerberg’s bank deposits, I’m sure we’d see that he’s raked in a SHITLOAD of dirty money from corrupt democrats and the Deep State!!

I’d say that Security Alejandro Mayorkas probably deserves some prison time!

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