Scared Libtard Pussies Continue Pushing Brainless Sheep Followers To Assassinate Donald Trump

Crazy & scared libtard criminals want Donald Trump dead, and they have been calling out to their brainless sheep followers trying to find someone dangerous enough and crazy enough to assassinate Trump on a daily basis, but the media will not report on it.

Scared Libtard Pussies Continue Pushing Brainless Sheep Followers To Assassinate Donald Trump

Scared Libtard Pussies Continue Pushing Brainless Sheep Followers To Assassinate Donald Trump

Now one of the dangerous libtard criminals actually created a real headstone for Donald Trump – leaving the date of death blank until one of the Democrat’s brainwashed murderers is able to follow through on the challenge from the left. Maybe they should go have a talk with Hillary Clinton, seeing how so many of the people around Bill & Hillary not-so-mysteriously died or were murdered.

If a headstone for Hillary Clinton was left in Central Park, with the date left blank, the media would be up in arms about the kind of dangerous rhetoric being thrown around today in politics. The so-called “news stations” would have panels of libtard talking head fools bloviating about conservatives, and calling conservatives all kinds of names. But the crazy douchebags actually calling for Trumps’ murder are completely ignored by the media because he/she is one of their own kind.

Well, the truth is that either Donald Trump will be the Republican presidential nominee, and probably the next President of the United States, and any funny business, including attempts on Trump’s life, will spell the end to the politics as we know it in America, including an abrupt end to the Republican party.

Fucking losers!

As part of Trump’s blistering, unconventional and very unexpected rise to the top of the Republican presidential nominee ranks, he has seen his share of threats – some serious, most in jest – to both his person, and in some cases his life. Apocryphally, some commentators have predicted that a Trump presidency would be such a shock to the status quo that if successful in winning the presidency, he would never make to inauguration day alive.


Today, such concerns were once again inflamed when a mysterious tombstone on behalf of Donald J. Trump (the date of death is blank: 1946 – …) was erected in Central Park.

As Gothamist first reported, “someone erected a very classy Trump tombstone in the middle of Central Park this weekend, and were kind enough to leave his expiration date open to the fates.”

Gothamist adds that “tipster Annie Reiss came upon the beautiful tribute to the presumptive GOP presidential candidate this morning near Sheep’s Meadow. “There were people taking pictures which is why I stopped,” she told us. “It was definitely provocative, strange for Easter morning.”

The tombstone has the inscription, “Made America Hate Again.”

As Mashable adds, plenty of people shared photos of the tombstone on social media, but no one seems to know what it means, other than “being a prank of questionable taste.”

By evening, the tombstone had been removed by park officials.

According to Trump’s latest Tweets, he is either unaware, or doesn’t seem too worried about this implicit threat or poorly made joke; instead he is focusing his energy on the previously noted lawsuit which the real estate billionaire threatens to file against Ted Cruz for “stealing” delegates…



… as well as the ongoing “wife-gate” involving Heidi Cruz and Melania Trump:

Once again, we can only imagine the shocked media reaction if a tombstone mysteriously emerged in one of the world’s busiest venues for any of the other presidential candidates.

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