Ross Dress for Less department stores have started enacting Obama’s dangerous trans bathroom policy, which allows mentally unstable cross dressers to chose which gender bathroom or changing room they would like to use.

Ross Stores, Inc. Joins Target In Endangering Customers With Obama’s Dangerous Trans Bathroom Policy
Obama’s dangerous trans bathroom policy allows men with dicks to use the woman’s bathrooms anytime they wish, with no chance of anyone telling them to leave. And if someone actually does ask the sicko to leave the bathroom or changing room where they shouldn’t be allowed, that person probably risks a lawsuit.
Well, Ross Stores, Inc. needs to be added to the Target boycott, and all customers who don’t like their dangerous bathroom/changing room policies, and feel that allowing mentally sick people to use the opposite sex facilities puts people’s health and lives in danger should immediately stop shopping at Ross, and let the company know why.
I will never shop at Ross Stores, Inc. ever again! Saving a few dollars on some cheap ass clothes isn’t worth the safety and well-being of my family, who would be at risk in a ROSS bathroom or changing room.
We hope that, with these new revelations that Ross Stores, Inc. stock price takes a sharp and steep nosedive, and also hope that ROSS loses $ billions just like Target has.
A shopper at a Ross Dress for Less department store in Texas was shocked as a man entered into the women’s dressing room while she was there. She complained to the manager, who told her, “He was representing himself as a woman today.”
“I was in the dressing room, when we heard a man’s voice,” Lisa Stickles described the incident at the Ross store in Mesquite, Texas, to CBSDFW.
After her complaint, the manager went inside the dressing room, “came right back out and called me to the side and told me… he was representing himself as a woman today,” Stickles said. “He was in no way dressed as a woman. He had on jeans, a t-shirt, 5 o’clock shadow, very deep voice. He was a man.”
A customer service representative with Ross said they do not discriminate against the transgender community.
“What about me? Or my feelings?” said Sickles. “(The manager) told me that if I felt uncomfortable in the dressing room with him there… I’d have to wait until he’s finished.”
Other businesses are also now allowing the use of bathrooms and other facilities based on users’ gender identity.
However, American Family Association’s online boycott petition against Target was recently signed by more than 1 million people after the retailer announced, “We welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity.”
Whether people should use bathrooms corresponding to their biological sex or gender identity has become a major debate in the country ever since North Carolina’s House Bill 2 was recently criticized by some.
The bill states that people must use bathrooms according to their biological sex. The law also protects the rights of businesses and other places of public accommodation to create their own bathroom policies, rather than be forced to allow men into women’s restrooms.
Last week, the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education released a “guidance” saying that all federally funded schools must allow students to use restrooms, locker rooms and other facilities and activities according to their self-proclaimed gender identity.
An online petition started by Family Research Council against the Obama administration’s “overreach in bullying parents and local school districts” to allow students to use restrooms and other facilities as per their gender identity has gained more than 82,000 signatures, and the number is increasing by the hour.
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