Rolling Stone Is Libtard Waste of Paper, Spreading Lies, Supporting Terrorists, Attacking Religion

Rolling Stone Is Libtard Waste of Paper, Spreading Lies, Supporting Terrorists, Attacking Religion

Rolling Stone Is Libtard Waste of Paper, Spreading Lies, Supporting Terrorists, Attacking Religion

The Rolling Stone is nothing more than a liberal piece of shit waste of paper, spreading lies, supporting terrorists, and trumpeting the brain-fart talking points of the corrupt Democrats, and other brainless libtard losers.

Rolling Stone magazine should be forced to close due to their hatred of half of America, and we will help work to see the closing of Rolling Stone come true.

Honestly, the Rolling Stone’s best days are far behind it, and the Rolling Stone can’t be far from closing anyway, which is why they have to pull stupid ass stunts like this.

Any publication that glorifies terrorists, publishes fake rape stories, and attacks religion, is no publication that I will EVER spend a dime on, and wouldn’t even crack the cover if someone gave it to me for free.

At least the ultra libtard jackass Democrats will support them, but I see the Rolling Stone closing up shop and probably filing for bankruptcy in another year or two.

I feel that anyone who reads the Rolling Stone comes away dumber than they were beforehand.

Rolling Stone magazine – you know, the bastion of journalistic juvenility and incompetence that glamorizes terrorists on its cover, publishes fake rape scandals, and does “in-depth” interviews with glib morons like Russell Brand – squealed like a teenage girl today about the imaginary crash-and-burn of Governor Scott Walker’s presidential candidacy.

“A top union leader just issued the best press release ever,” crowed Rolling Stone on Twitter, with all the giddy flair of an Upworthy headline. “In six words, he destroyed Scott Walker: ‘Scott Walker is a national disgrace,’ reads the entirety of AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka’s statement.”

Wow. It’s difficult to imagine how Walker’s campaign will recover from that devastating blow.

Needless to say, Twitter responded with appropriate hilarity and ridicule:






The only thing destroyed by Rolling Stone’s tweet was its last shred of journalistic credibility.

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