HAHAHA!!!! I love when brainless, hair-hatted skank Sheila Jackson Lee opens her mouth, and shows the American People how much of a mental midget she truly is!

Retarded Sheila Jackson Lee Says RUSSIA Responsible For DNC Iowa Election & Voter Fraud to Screw Bernie – Again
Brainiac Sheila Jackson Lee laughingly says that Russia is responsible for the obvious democrat election & voter fraud that took place in the Iowa Presidential Caucus, and designed to prevent Bernie Sanders from becoming the DNC nominee for President of the United States.
“I hope that the Iowa Democrats will ask for an FBI investigation on the app. I believe that Russia has been engaged in and interfering with a number of our elections dealing with the 2016 election” – democrat dumbfuck Sheila Jackson Lee
These democrat shit-bags are fucking stupid – getting more stupid everyday – and I love it!
Seriously, it totally cracks me up to see the unbelievably stupid people that the democrats have in their party, who pretend to have functional brains, but in reality are dumb as a box of rocks. And there you have stupid skank Sheila Jackson Lee.
How is Sheila Jackson Lee a member of Congress?
The voting debacle in Iowa is embarrassing for Democrats as it is, but Lee just made it worse.
Lee actually tried to blame the whole thing on Russia. Yes, really. How intellectually lazy would a person have to be to do this?
The Federalist reports:
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Democrat Congresswoman Blames Iowa Caucus Disaster On Russia
Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas suggested Wednesday that the Russians were behind the vote-reporting app crashing during Monday’s Iowa Democratic caucuses.
At an FBI oversight hearing in the House Judiciary Committee with FBI Director Christopher Wray, Jackson Lee said she hoped Iowa Democrats would press the FBI to study the Russia’s involvement in the Iowa caucuses, where full results were yet to be released four days later.
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org