WE KNEW IT! We predicted that disgusting Democrats would use the time gained in their stalling tactics to find some other vile leftie to pay off to claim false sex charges against Judge Kavanaugh, and sure enough, the Democrats have come up with yet another fake allegation from 30 years ago.
“I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process” – Judge Kavanaugh appears to have more balls that the entire conservative wing of Congress, because he is not taking this political assassination bty the Democrats sitting down.and Republicans need to hold the line and vote Friday to confirm Judge Kavanaugh
“They debase our public discourse. But they are also a threat to any man or woman who wishes to serve our country. Such grotesque and obvious character assassination — if allowed to succeed — will dissuade competent and good people of all political persuasions from service. I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process. The coordinated effort to destroy my good name will not drive me out. The vile threats of violence against my family will not drive me out. The last-minute character assassination will not succeed”
Republicans are fucking pussies though who will do nothing to put an end to the Democrat’s Political Assassination Circus.
It’s time for Republicans to take a page from the Democrat playbook. The play is very simple. It’s called “Use The Power You Have Been Given.” It works every time because there is no way for the opponent to stop it. You have the ball and they aren’t on the field. All you have to do is run to the end zone. But Republicans are afraid that it may hurt the other side’s feelings if they score a touchdown, so they run in circles and wait for the clock to expire. – https://www.dailywire.com/news/36247/walsh-dear-republicans-stop-being-cowards-and-matt-walsh
It’s pretty fucking hilarious that EVERY SINGLE witness provided to congress to corroberate the false charges by disgusting leftist liar Blasey Ford, the supposed “witnesses” have ALL sided with Judge Kavanaugh, and said that they don’t remember any situation like the one Blasey Ford describes.
Democrats initially thought that the single fake Blasey Ford allegation against Judge Kavanaugh would be enough to sing the confirmation, but the Democrats soon realized that their fake Kavanaugh allegations weren’t working, so the disgusting corrupt Democrats had to get more accusers to try and make it stick.
Credible allegations should definitely be investigated, but these sham political accusations against Judge Kavanaugh are not even the slightest bit credible – and honestly the political assassination of Judge Kavanaugh should be stopped, and the allegations completely ignored. Act like the fake allegations were never made and move forward.
Ronan Farrow also just ROYALLY fucked himself and his career BIG-LEAGUE by pushing this obviously fake political sham allegations to light.
- Sen. Orrin Hatch – New Yorker piece was a “smear campaign.”
- Sen. Lindsey Graham – Democrats are engaged in “wholesale character assassination.”
“The courts, they thought they had, and they were snatched up under their noses in November of 2016. You know, they’re like red hornets, just completely lost control – and have gone off the deep end – and the further they get away from being able to control the courts, the more desperate they become.” – Ben Carson speaks about the Democrat losing their minds
If Chuck Grassley and the Republicans allow Judge Kavanaught to be Bork’d, The American People will Bork them right out of office, and we will replace the weak-ass nutless Republicans with new conservatives who have the balls needed to actually do their jobs, while also standing up to the disgusting anti-US Constitution, anti law Democrats.
Democrats have (for now) forgotten that Americans are presumed innocent until found guilty, but this will come back and bite them in the ass as well, especially once the Democrats are finally forced to defend the ACTUAL sexual abusing Democrats congressmen (Keith Ellison & Corey Booker) that are facing REAL evidence of committing ACTUAL abuse towards women. (though the leftist fake news media won’t hold these Democrats accountable)
So Chairman Grassley has a job to do here, because if he gives Democrats enough time, they’ll produce a woman claiming to be Kavanaugh’s secret Russian wife who Trump paid to urinate on that bed in Moscow. If Grassley waits long enough, the Democrats will come up with the woman claiming to be Kavanaugh’s secret Russian wife. — he’s a bigamist, too, don’t you know — and Trump paid Kavanaugh’s second wife to hire a bunch of prostitutes to urinate on the bed Obama slept in while in Moscow.
If Grassley doesn’t get a handle on this and just do — and I’ll tell you something else, which everybody also knows. If the Republicans do not get this vote taken and have Kavanaugh confirmed, you can kiss the midterms goodbye. You can kiss goodbye holding the House and you can kiss goodbye holding the Senate. Because whatever the Democrats think of their base, the one thing I know that if you guys fold on this and cave and keep bending over backwards … You’ve done that enough. You’ve demonstrated that you don’t hate women.
You’ve demonstrated that you’re other open-minded. You’ve demonstrated that you’re gonna hear from her. You’re never gonna hear from her! She’s never gonna show up. She’s not telling a story that can be verified, Senator Grassley. She’s not gonna show up. If you guys don’t conduct this vote in defiance of all this and if Avenatti gets one foot in the door to a Senate committee to start telling his story, then you can kind of kiss good-bye Republican chances in the midterms in November. Because people are gonna logically say, “What good does it do?”
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org