Republican establishment loser Bill Kristol went on MSNBC to trash Trump, and laughably stated that there is still time for a candidate to start a 3rd party run for president.
Bill Kristol is 100% right. There definitely IS time for a candidate to make a third party run for president, and Donald Trump should do just that!
The Republican establishment has tried every conceivable possibility to try and royally screw Donald Trump, and continue every day trying to find a way to take away his RNC nomination for president, so Donald Trump should tell the RNC to go fuck themselves, and crank up a 3rd party campaign.
ALL of TRump’s supporters would still vote for Trump, despite the 3rd party affiliation, and the only people who will be screwed is the corrupt RNC pussies, who are already completely fucked.
Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol argued it was still feasible for a third-party candidate to wage a presidential campaign.
Kristol said, “I think the public deserves an alkternative. I think Clinton and Trump are unusually unfavorably viewed by the public, which offers a political opportunity as well as I think a substantive opportunity for the country for someone to set forth to do the right thing for the country. The only way which is too late is there are two state deadlines for getting on the ballot that are pretty close, Texas to North Carolina. The next one is June 27th. All this talk about it is impossible, it’s impossible. It is difficult but it is not impossible. And I think the legal challenge in Texas North Carolina would succeed. In the ’80s they challenged a few states for having too early of a deadline. Those challenges succeeded.”
“People are looking at that legal challenge right now,” he continued. “There is also the possibility of getting on the ballot of a small party that’s already on the ballot in North Carolina and Texas. The Reform party in particular. I think it is more doable than people think. The key is obviously having compelling candidates. Those discussions are taken place in private. We will see what happens. I think there is too much resignation and fatalism. Especially among the people —If you think we deserve better than Trump and Clinton and I certainly do — I guess I’m annoyed at other people who are activists and donors and politicians, who sort of sit back and watch the slow motion car crash happening. It is happening in slow motion. There is time to avert it. There is time to get out of your own car and help. And instead people are sitting in their air conditioned cars and saying ‘Gee, it’s too bad about the car crash the whole United States of America is about to have by being faced with the choice of Clinton and Trump.”
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