Hillary must be the dumbest bitches I have ever seen!
EVERY time she opens her mouth and lies, there is direct evidence available that proves she is a compulsive lying criminal, who will say and do ANYTHING (and we mean ANYTHING – let your imagination go) to be elected President. After all, it is “her turn” isn’t it? Well she thinks so at least.

Reporter Recalls 2008 Tip By Clinton Camp – Hillary Tweets: Person Who Led Birther Movement Will Not Be President
former McClatchy Washington Bureau Chief James Asher has backed up Trump’s version of events, saying he was personally pitched the story by a Clinton surrogate in 2008.
Clinton had tweeted: “President Obama’s successor cannot and will not be the man who led the racist birther movement. Period.”
Hillary Clinton and her media lapdogs have been desperately trying to pin the Birther Movement on Donald Trump, because they have nothing else, and no way to defend themselves except to lie, but anyone alive 8 years ago knows the truth – that Hillary Clinton and her attack dogs started the Birther Movement back in 2008, and now are running away from it as fast as they possibly can ever since.
Hillary is 100% correct, and since she is the birth mother of the Birther Movement, the lying bitch will not be Obama’s successor.
Hillary Clinton surrogate Sid Blumenthal personally pitched a reporter on the President Obama “birther” story when she was campaigning for president in 2008, a former Washington reporter said Thursday.
The Clinton campaign and the media have consistently refuted Trump’s claim Clinton started the birther movement, which Trump re-upped Friday when he said for the first publicly that he believes Obama was born in the United States. “Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy,” Trump said, drawing a slew of media fact checks almost immediately. “I finished it.”
But former McClatchy Washington Bureau Chief James Asher has backed up Trump’s version of events, saying he was personally pitched the story by a Clinton surrogate in 2008.
Clinton had tweeted: “President Obama’s successor cannot and will not be the man who led the racist birther movement. Period.”
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