Racist Piece of Shit Toronto Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Yusra Khogali Needs Help From “Allah” to Not Kill White People

Black Lives Matter Toronto Co-Founder Yusra Khogali tweeted that she needed Allah’s help to not kill men and White people.
What kind of stupid fucker thinks that tweeting out something like that would ever be acceptable, at any level. Even to the racist idiot losers in the so-called “Black Lives Matter” group.

Racist Piece of Shit Toronto Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Yusra Khogali Needs Help From “Allah” to Not Kill White People

Racist Piece of Shit Toronto Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Yusra Khogali Needs Help From “Allah” to Not Kill White People

Black Lives Matter’s terrorist co-founder, Yusra Khogali is a violent and racist piece of shit turd, and probably terrorist, who should be watched very carefully by authorities.

The racist & dangerous racist turd apparently deleted the tweet, and changed her Twitter account to protected status, so nobody could view her previous tweets, but the damage is done, and Yusra Khogali has been exposed for what she is – A dangerous racist and violent Muslim terrorist, who wants to kill men and White people.

Well, we just hope that Yusra Khogali slithers back to her hovel and crawls back under her rock and hides for a while, because I would bet anything that a lot of White people will be ready to defend themselves against Yusra Khogali’s death threats when they see the stupid skank.

Toronto Black Lives Matter co-founder Yusra Khogali is under fire over a Tweet she posted and deleted asking “Allah” to stop her from having to kill white people.

“Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today. Plz plz plz,” Khogali tweeted on Feb. 9.

News of the controversial Tweet went international earlier in the week after @Newstalk1010 host Jerry Agar began Tweeting about the racist cyber screed.


Khogali has since placed her Twitter account under protected status and has refused to comment on the controversial Tweet.

However, a representative for Black Lives Matter called the Tweet “tabloid.”

“It’s not public interest news. It’s not news,” the Black Lives Matter spokesperson told CP24 News.

Khogali, according to her Facebook page, is a community activist who “uses her art as a form of resistance to challenge various forms of Canadian state-sanctioned anti-blackness.”

The Canadian chapter of Black Lives Matter is scheduled to lead Toronto’s gay pride parade, which takes place on July 3.

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