Racist Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Wore Dark Black Shoe Polish On Hands & Face Multiple Times

I think we’re about to see the last of Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau, one way or the other, after new revelations reveal, and Trudeau acknowledges that he wore extreme blackface, including his hands as well, on multiple occasions. BOOM!

Racist Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Wore Dark Black Shoe Polish On Hands & Face Multiple Times

Racist Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Wore Dark Black Shoe Polish On Hands & Face Multiple Times

Personally, I think it’s funny that that Justin Trudeau has royally screwed himself and his political career by being a racist piece of crap, and also amazing at the same time that it took this long for the racist Trudeau blackface pictures to be revealed.

The corrupt Fake News Media Liars are trying to cover for Racist Loser Justin Trudeau, calling the shoe polish “face-darkening makeup” and claiming how Trudeau isn’t racist, and just really liked to dress up in makeup. Bullshit! Justin Trudeau is a racist piece of shit!

“Makeup is what people wear to enhance or improve the look of their skin. Makeup is what even I might wear to a wedding this weekend. Brownface ain’t makeup. Brownface is having a laugh at someone with dark skin.” – National Post‘s Christie Blatchford

Trudeau claims that he only wore blackface twice, but now we have a 3rd instance of Trudeau in blackface. It looks like Racist Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made a life-long habit of dressing up in blackface (actually whole-body blackface) in a very racist fashion.

Let’s see how all of the leftists handle this confirmed racism by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. My bet is that it’s swept under the rug and forgotten, because Trudeau is a leftist douche.

Justin Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister, wore brownface makeup to a party at the private school where he was teaching in the spring of 2001. TIME has obtained a photograph of the incident.

The photograph has not been previously reported. The picture was taken at an “Arabian Nights”-themed gala. It shows Trudeau, then the 29-year-old son of the late former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, wearing a turban and robes with his face, neck and hands completely darkened. The photograph appears in the 2000-2001 yearbook of West Point Grey Academy, a private day school where Trudeau was a teacher.

Earlier this month, TIME obtained a copy of the yearbook, The View, with the photograph of Trudeau in brownface from Vancouver businessman Michael Adamson, who was part of the West Point Grey Academy community. Adamson was not at the party, which was attended by school faculty, administrators and parents of students. He said that he first saw the photograph in July and felt it should be made public.

Speaking to reporters Wednesday night, following TIME’s publication of the photo, Trudeau apologized: “I shouldn’t have done that. I should have known better and I didn’t. I’m really sorry.” When asked if he thought the photograph was racist, he said, “Yes it was. I didn’t consider it racist at the time, but now we know better.”

Trudeau said he wore “makeup” in high school to sing “Day-O,” a Jamaican folk song famously performed by African-American singer and civil rights activist Harry Belafonte. “I deeply regret that I did that,” he said.

On Wednesday, Zita Astravas, the media relations lead of the Liberal Party of Canada, which Trudeau is the leader of, confirmed that the prime minister was in the photo. “It was a photo taken while he was teaching in Vancouver, at the school’s annual dinner which had a costume theme of ‘Arabian Nights.’ He attended with friends and colleagues dressed as a character from Aladdin,” said Astravas. Trudeau is planning on addressing the photograph to the media later this evening, according to the Astravas. The prime minister’s official director of communications did not return multiple calls.

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