Psycho Tyrant Miami Dade Police Officer Goes Nuts During Tyreek Hill Arrest Fiasco

This psycho tyrant Miami Dade “police officer” needs to be immediately removed from the police force!

From watching the body cam video released by the police, it looks to me like the police were looking for Tyreek Hill’s car, and pulled him over without really even knowing how fast Tyreek Hill was driving. One of the police officers says on the radio “Yea, we got him here…” before walking up to the car, and when Tyreek Hill asks the police officer how fast he was going, the officer wouldn’t respond, and only told him to pull his car up the road a bit.

It seems very clear that the police officer didn’t really even know how fast Tyreek Hill was driving. Police are not supposed to pull someone over for “speeding” if they don’t know the actual speed the driver was travelling, because you cannot just give a ticket for “speeding at some random speed, which may or may not be over the speed limit” they have to know exactly how fast you were driving to be lawfully able to issue a “speeding ticket”.

The unprofessionally violent police officer then proceeded to throw Hill on the ground when he didn’t get his way, which is not what REAL police officers do.

I agree that Tyreek Hill was acting like many other black people while being pulled over, which made the situation far worse than it would have been, but it seems that the psycho cop was on a power trip and just wanted to teach Tyreek Hill a painful lesson for not acting 100% properly on the traffic stop and obeying his every command perfectly.

They are trying to claim that none of the officers knew who they had pulled over until later in the interaction, but that is complete bullshit, as within only 18 seconds into the video you can her one of the officers turn and say “It’s Tyreke Hill”.

The tyrant Miami Dade police officer also went crazy on Miami Dolphins defensive lineman Calais Campbell, after he pulled over to see why they had Tyreke Hill handcuffed on the ground.

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