President Trump Ran Circles Around Mush-Brain Biden In 1st Presidential Debate – Decrepit Biden Helped Off Stage

Biden’s people are now saying that Biden looked like a senile old man in the debate is because he had a col… NO, JOE BIDEN IS A MUSH-BRAIN PUPPET, WHO IS SENILE EVERYDAY, AND UNABLE TO DO HIS JOB. Biden could only mutter “THE IDEA…. bla bla bla..” It’s actually funny! We should have made a drinking game out of it.

Watch the full 1st Presidential Debate here, and make sure to pay attention to when CNN moves the camera off Biden when it looks like he is having a mental episode. CNN was obviously doing everything they could to protect Biden from himself.

Even in Australia they are pointing out how decrepit Biden is – with Sky News showing a clip of Jill Biden helping Joe Biden walk down 2-3 stairs. If Jill wasn’t there, Joe Biden would have feel again.

Biden: “By the way the border patrol endorsed me, endorsed my position. In addition to that, we found ourselves in a situation…”

Border Patrol Union: “To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.”

One of the funniest parts of the debate for me was when they started talking about golf, hitting the golf ball, and their handicaps. I have seen multiple videos of President Trump hitting his driver, and it seems to be hit well each time. Even John Daly says that President Trump is a great golfer. Hell, he owns golf courses, so he should be! But during that exchange, Biden, who can’t walk down 3 steps without help, and even then it takes him half a minute to do it, says something about President Trump carrying his own golf bag. I would bet you anything that Biden’s back would give out if made to carry a golf bag, and if Biden swung a golf club he would lose his balance, fall on the ground, and be badly injured.

Here’s a test for Biden and the democrats. IF Biden is able to do his job, he doesn’t need people to hold his hand while he gets into a vehicle or walks off a stage. How about no handlers for Biden, and keep Jill away, and I would bet you anything I own that Joe Biden would fall down again, and probably break a hip, within a couple days.

President Trump beating mush-brain Biden in a debate isn’t really a shocker. My Mom is over 90 years old, and she would wipe the floor with Biden in a debate, conversation or fight.

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