President Trump: ‘Investigate the Investigators’ Obama’s Corrupt FBI Are Total ‘Human Scum’

HAHA!! President Trump went off on the treasonous criminals in Obama’s FBI, calling them “Human Scum”. Piece of shit criminal James Comey definitely is treasonous scum – not so sure about the human part though.

I love President Trump! There has never been another President of the United States that stands up for himself and for conservatives the way that President Trump does on a daily basis, when conservatives in the past have all been a bunch of nutless pussies, who sit there and allow the corrupt democrats to walk all over them. but do nothing.

Our President certainly didn’t hold back when it came to criticizing the corrupt and treasonous FBI criminals who have been abusing their power and breaking the law for years while trying and destroy Trump’s campaign before being elected, and then continuing to remove a duly elected President from office, using any idiotic scheme they can come up with.

Reporter: Have you thought of pardoning Paul Manafort or Roger Stone so they’re not exposed to the virus.

President Trump: Well I’ll just tell you this. Roger Stone was treated very unfairly. Paul Manafort, the black-book turned out to be a fraud. e learned that out during the last weeks and months. They had a black-book that came out of Ukraine an d it happened to be a fraud. Turned out to be a fraud. They convicted a man and it turned out to be a fraud. General Flynn was a highly respected person and it turned out to be a scam on him. The FBI said he didn’t lie. And Mueller’s people wanted him to go to jail. So what am I going to do? You’ll find out what I’m going to do. I’m not going to say what I’m going to do. But I will tell you the whole thing turned out to be a scam. And it turned out to be a disgrace to our country. And it was a takedown of a duly elected president. And these people suffered greatly. General Flynn! I mean what they did to him… The top of the FBI was scum and what they did to General Flynn and you know it and everybody knows it was a disgrace!

Unfortunately for the democrats, the American People see right through their bullshit, and we know that Obama had his FBI/CIA/DOJ breaking the law for treasonous political purposes, and the vast majority of the American People want to see these FBI/CIA/DOJ/DNC criminals go to prison for the rest of their lives – or possibly be executed for treason against America.

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