President Trump Debating On CNN Is A Terrible Mistake! – Biden Will Be On Drugs Or Actor In Hyper-Realistic Mask

POST DEBATE UPDATE: Biden definitely WAS hopped up during the debate, but he still couldn’t keep his shit together.

Having President Trump debate “Biden” on CNN is a HUGE mistake! It’s like walking into a firing squad thinking that everyone will miss. The good thing is that everyone around the world knows that CNN is not a news organization, but a propaganda wing of Biden and the democrats, so most people will be critical of CNN’s handling of the debate.

If I were making the decision for President Trump, I would tell him and the democrats that the only Presidential debates President Trump would use new media outlets. There should be NO debates on ANY of the fake news channels, like CNN, MSNBC, FOX, NBC, ABC or CBS.

Someday the republicans will learn, and stop playing by the democrats skewed rules… after it’s too late to help save America.

I predict that the 1st debate on CNN will be a total shit-show! Why President Trump agreed to debate on CNN is something that I will never understand. The deck is stacked against him in 100 different ways.

  1. CNN will FOR SURE have given Biden all of the questions.
  2. CNN is in a Biden fluffer, so they will do everything in their power to try and make President Trump look bad.
  3. I would not put it past Biden and the Democrats to replace Mush-Brain Biden with an actor in one of those hyper-realistic masks. It would probably be easy to tell though because the actor will be able to put a sentence together without shitting his pants.
  4. If it actually is Biden on the debate stage, he will be hopped up on every stimulant known to man.

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