POS Criminal Chuck Schumer Admits Democrats Are Paying Leftist Agitators To Intimidate The American People

Piece of shit democrat criminal Chuck Schumer admits that the democrats are paying agitators and criminals to “go after” republicans to intimidate them to either “change their votes or face the consequences”.

“We have people going to the Republican districts and going after these Republicans who are voting for this and forcing them to either face — change their vote or face the consequences. This is a long relentless fight, that we fight everyday, and I am confident that we will bring Trump’s popularity numbers and strength down if we keep at it and at it and at it.” – Stupid Lawless Democrat Criminal Chuck Schumer

So Chuck Schumer thinks that if the democrats and their fake news co-conspirators lie enough everyday about President Trump, as they have done for the last 10 years, then they think they might be able to make people turn against President Trump. I don’t think the democrat’s plan will work though because it has failed miserably since day 1, and the democrats’ all-out attacks and obvious lawfare against President Trump has only made him more popular.

Chuck Schumer is a corrupt piece of shit who is one of the main reasons why democrats and republicans are at each other’s throats, and Chuck Schumer needs to be removed from office ASAFP!!

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