Polls are ALWAYS skewed to favor the candidate that the pollster supports, so I don’t believe 99% of the presidential polls out there on this election cycle, or any other.
It has been shown that some pollsters will skew the percentages of conservative and liberal voters used in their polls to slant their polls towards Hillary Clinton.
- CNN has been caught rigging polls in Hillary Clinton’s Favor.
- CBS uses poll tactics designed to favor the Democrats as well, and routinely polls 28% Republicans and 35% Democrats to come up with their unbelievable and untrustworthy poll results.
- The NBC News weekly tracking poll includes 7 per cent more self-identified Democrats than Republicans – giving them the 49-42 result in favor of Clinton that corrupt NBC was seeking.
- Monmouth University just released a poll in Ohio, using 33 Republicans to 35 Democrats, which showed that Donald Trump led Clinton 41%-39%, but after a result that they weren’t happy with Monmouth revised the poll data to use only 29 Republicans to an increased 37 Democrats, which gave them the result they wanted, which is a fake concocted 43-39 lead for Clinton.
- Reuters routinely uses MANY (like 100) more Democrats in their polls to make it seem like Hillary has a lead over Donald Trump.
“They (Reuters) not only changed their formula, to put Hillary ahead. They went back and changed the results, for a week of results where Trump was ahead, and then they turned those into Hillary leads. They also erased all the former polling off the site. They didn’t tweak their procedure – they cooked it.” – Political Strategist Pat Caddell
“This is what the media is willing to do, to try to elect her. This (Reuters) poll is nothing but a part of a media offensive. In the 45 years since I was a child, in top-level presidential campaigns, I have never seen the media on such a jihad, and so involved in hiding facts, and not following up. This is a crisis of democracy, what the press is now doing.” – Political Strategist Pat Caddell
For very obvious reasons, I don’t trust polls at all, but what I DO trust is the numbers of attendees at Trump and Clinton campaign stops.
Trump is packing stadiums with thousands of people, with another few thousand overflow outside the venue, who couldn’t get a ticket.
Hillary Clinton can’t even fill a high school gym, and rarely has over a few hundred people it her campaign stops, and I would bet just about anything I own that many of the people in Hillary’s laughably tiny crowds are paid to be there.
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