Planned Parenthood Knew About Horrific Gosnell Abortion Crimes – But Did Nothing

The crimes of Abortion “doctor” Kermit Gosnell have been uncovered, and the details are as sick and criminal as they get.

Planned Parenthood Helps Dirty Liberal Whores Murder Their Babies-own-baby-thanks-planned-parenthood

This piece of shit baby murderer is accused of actually murdering babies by snipping the base of their skull and spinal cord with a pair of scissors, and then cutting off the baby’s tiny feet and storing them in jars, like some kind of sick serial baby killer trophies.

Now we learn that Planned Parenthood actually knew about the crimes of Gosnell, the Baby Killer, but did nothing, and told nobody about the horrendous crimes which should land the “doctor” in jail for the rest of his life. or better yet, they should snip Kermit Gosnell’s spinal cord with a pair of scissors, and then wait and see if they think this is a crime or not.

Planned Parenthood should not receive another penny of taxpayer money, and if our nation weren’t run by a bunch of baby killers, the baby killing “doctor” would never again see the light of day.

According to his schedule, President Obama will take time out this week to address a gala thrown by Planned Parenthood (see update below) – the abortion industry’s favourite lobby.

It’s an extraordinary move, not just because the issue is so controversial but because Planned Parenthood has recently disgraced itself over the Gosnell trial. To recap, Kermit Gosnell is the “doctor” is accused of killing hundreds of babies during late-term abortions by removing them screaming from the womb and then severing their heads from their bodies with a pair of scissors. He also operated a filthy clinic covered in cat feces and used untrained employees to carry out medical procedures. A question that has repeatedly been asked is “Who knew about this?” and “What did they do about it?” Last week, Planned Parenthood answered with “We did” and “As little as possible.”

The cat got out the bag at the Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania’s annual Spring Gathering. A report from quotes Dayle Steinberg, the organisation’s president and chief executive saying,

“The Gosnell trial has shifted the focus off the high-quality services we provide … These are criminal, horrendous . . . acts and should be appropriately punished.”

Steinberg said that when Gosnell was in practice, women would sometimes come to Planned Parenthood for services after first visiting Gosnell’s West Philadelphia clinic, and would complain to staff about the conditions there.

“We would always encourage them to report it to the Department of Health,” Steinberg said.

So women came to Planned Parenthood, spoke of filthy conditions and potential malpractice and Planned Parenthood’s response was to urge them to report it to the Department of Health?! That’s an astonishing admission: rather than rushing to help the traumatised women in their care by contacting the police, they advised them to go home and pen a letter of complaint.

But, then again, Planned Parenthood’s callousness is hardly a surprise. During a legislative committee meeting in Florida, one of their lobbyists was asked this question: “If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that is struggling for life?” He reply is staggering in its amorality: “We believe that any decision that’s made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician.” So if there was some agreement to, say, cut the baby’s head off with a pair of scissors then Planned Parenthood would presumably condone it. This organisation is simply vile.

And yet it is an organisation with which the President of the United States is happy to break bread. That’s not a surprise considering that he invited its president to speak at the Democratic National Convention or that they enthusiastically endorsed him way back in 2008. Nor is it a surprise considering that he once effectively voted against compelling doctors to save the life of a baby that survived a partial-birth abortion. Planned Parenthood has enjoyed greater promotion, lobbying influence and access to funds under his administration than ever before. Indeed, Obama has distinguished himself as the Abortion President – a man who has committed himself throughout his public life to the cause of free and unfettered access to abortion up to the point of birth.

But it is still extraordinary to think that the Gosnell trial has not pricked his conscience, that it hasn’t made him at least a little, icky bit more sensitive to ethical problems of endorsing an organisation that knew some of what Dr Death was doing and did so little to stop it. If there is any reason to despair of this man’s leadership of the United States, surely it is his unqualified support for Planned Parenthood.

UPDATE: Obama has pulled out of the Planned Parenthood event following a great deal of outrage from prolife groups. White House spokesman Jay Carney says that it’s to spend more time at the memorial service for victims of the Waco fertilizer plant explosion.

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