Richard Dreyfuss is a piece of shit loser who apparently thinks people actually care about the stupid libtard drivel that spews from his shitty pie hole.

Piece of Shit Has-Been Loser Richard Dreyfuss Attacks Donald Trump As “Small Dicked Prick” & Says Celeb Trump Supporters Are “Whores”
Dreyfuss has spent a lot of time lately attacking Donald Trump and Trump supporters, saying that Donald Trump is a “a small-dicked prick” and that celeb Trump supporters are “whores”.
“I get the thing about ‘off the cuff speaking.’ I get it! But when that speaking is dedicated to hurting latino americans, you’re a racist,”
Latino Americans? NOBODY has said one fucking word about Latino American Citizens, you stupid fucker! Illegal alien criminals are another story. Anyone who broke the laws of out nation to invade our borders are indeed criminals who belong in prison, or deported back to the country from which they came.
It is NOT Racist to want to protect our country from the millions of people we know nothing about who have already snuck into our country to steal money from the pockets of Americans. It has been reported that only 1% of illegals actually get jobs, and the rest of the illegal alien criminals move here to make the American People pay for every aspect of their lives from the minute they walked across the border until the day they die.
Then we have the thousands of terrorists who have already used Obama’s invitation and open borders policies to sneak their sleeper cells into America, where they will train and plan their next terrorist attack on America.
If ANYONE is a “small dicked prick” or a “whore” is is Richard Dreyfuss and the other nutless faggot libtards who don’t care that their weakness and will absolutely lead to many more terrorist attacks in America.
I only hope that the terrorist decide to bomb Richard Dreyfuss and the other weak-ass Democrats losers who don’t have the fucking balls or love of America to stop them, even when they know full well that another attack is on the way, and that the illegals they are opening their arms to are the same people who will kill thousands of Americans in the very near future.
Actor Richard Dreyfuss took to Twitter Monday evening to fire off several profanity-laced tweets against presumptive GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump.
In one particularly nasty tweet, which has since been deleted, the 68-year-old Jaws star described the billionaire real estate magnate as “a small-d*cked prick,” who had celebrity “whores” supporting his White House run.
“The saddest people aren’t Donald Trump’s supporters. They’re really struggling. It’s Donald Trump’s celebrity supporters who are whores,” the Oscar-winning actor wrote in the deleted tweet, the content of which were captured by Mediaite.
Dreyfuss later described meeting Donald Trump at party in Malibu, California.
“He got very upset that his date had the gault [sic] to speak with other guests,” the actor tweeted to his nearly 92,000 Twitter followers. “He acted like a small d*cked prick and pusher from the party and left [us] wondering if we had made a mistake [to let] her go with him.”
“I get the thing about ‘off the cuff speaking.’ I get it! But when that speaking is dedicated to hurting latino americans, you’re a racist,” Dreyfuss said before calling Trump “a manifestly unqualified racist.”
Trump has not yet responded to Dreyfuss’s insults.
Dreyfuss’s political preferences are difficult to ascertain. He’s previously described himself as “pre-partisan” and a “compassionate conservative;” he told the Wrap in February that he has not been a registered Democrat since 2004.
However, the actor also publicly celebrated President Obama’s reelection in 2012:
This is hardly the first time that Dreyfuss has criticized Trump; in the same interview with the Wrap, the veteran actor conceded that the now-GOP frontrunner had “defied everyone’s laws and everyone’s predictions.”
“It’s amusing, amazing and horrifying. I don’t know if anyone realizes that Donald Trump has revealed a fundamental flaw in the Constitution, which is that there should be a bar one never goes below in terms of intelligence for office holders,” he said then.
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