Photos: Dangerous “Child Predator” Disney Guardians of the Galaxy Director James Gunn Attended Pedophilia Themed Party

Disney Galaxy writer/director James Gunn posted pictures of himself attending a Pedophilia Themed “To Catch a Predator” Party, where Gunn was dressed as a priest, with underage-looking girls around him.

Photos: Dangerous "Child Predator" Disney Guardians of the Galaxy Director James Gunn Attended Pedophilia Themed Party

Photos: Dangerous “Child Predator” Disney Guardians of the Galaxy Director James Gunn Attended Pedophilia Themed Party

I’m sorry, but anyone who makes sick pedophilia jokes, and attends pedophilia themed events is a child predator – whether they have acted on their urges or not – but we feel that it is highly probable that James Gunn actually HAS acted on his sick desires.

James Gunn should NEVER again be left alone with any underage children, because Gunn is a sick & disgusting person who apparently likes having sex with children.

Disney is a company that claims to be a positive influence on children, but Disney has had their share of sexual scandals lately, and if Disney re-hires this fucking weirdo pedophilia-lover, it will destroy the company more than the damage that has already been done to Disney with their sexual scandals, like Harvey Weinstein, John Lasseter.

Walt Disney World employee Rodger Catey and Legoland builder employee Rickie Vargas-Garcia were arrested as part of a child porn ring and charged with possession, promotion, and distribution of child porn photos and videos of victims as young as 3 years old!

“From a corporate standpoint, you understand why they want to keep him. From an ethical and moral standpoint, I think it’s very sketchy. To try to sweep everything under the rug because the guy does a lot of good for your company isn’t right. I’m not sure at this point Disney wants to do the right thing. They may be forced to do the right thing.”

I bet James Gunn would like to get his hands on some of those pics and videos of the 3 year-old porn victims that the Disney employee was busted with.

Disney and all other companies need to make an example of sick possible child predator James Gunn, and make sure that the fucking weirdo doesn’t get more opportunities to fulfill his sick sexual fantasies.

It seems that disgraced Guardians of the Galaxy writer and director James Gunn doesn’t just like to “joke” about pedophilia — he also attends pedophilia themed parties.

Featured on his website were photos of himself attending a “To Catch a Predator” themed party — based on the show which busted pedophiles who targeted children online.

The images feature the former Disney director dressed up as a priest surrounded by women dressed like young children.

Gunn was fired by Disney after many disturbing “jokes” about pedophilia were uncovered on his Twitter account. The company is now reportedly in negotiations with him, and may give him his job back, after actors from the GOTG franchise spoke out in his defense.

“The offensive attitudes and statements discovered on James’ Twitter feed are indefensible and inconsistent with our studio’s values, and we have severed our business relationship with him,” Alan Horn, chairman of Walt Disney Studios, said in a statement at the time the tweets were uncovered.

According to reports that came out hours before these new photos surfaced, Marvel is also lobbying Disney to take Gunn back.

Tweets included “jokes” such as “‘Eagle Snatches Kid’ is what I call it when I get lucky” and other obscene comments about children.

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