Phony Libertarian Gary Johnson Is Hillary Clinton Plant Designed to Steal Votes From Trump

Gary Johnson is not a Libertarian, and certainly not conservative. No Gary Johnson is a Democrat plant designed to pull votes away from Donald Trump, and hand the presidency to Hillary Clinton.

“While Governor of New Mexico, Johnson inherited a debt of $1.8 billion and left with a debt of $4.6 billion.”

“That’s not libertarian!”

Johnson is against the 2nd amendment, has endorsed the terrorist organization “Black Lives Matter”, and even praised Crooked Lyin’ criminal Hillary Clinton as a “wonderful public servant”.

ANYONE who casts a vote for Hillary Clinton are complete brainless dumbfucks who fell for Hillary’s plant, and deserve to have Hillary as their “Criminal in Chief” for 4-8 years.

To top it off, the dumbfuck Gary Johnson doesn’t even know what Aleppo is, (Aleppo is a city in Syria) and said that he thought it was an acronym for something.

“And what is Aleppo?” – Gary Johnson

Duh!!! Go Smoke another blunt Gary!

In his most recent video for InfoWars, the largely libertarian Paul Joseph Watson does a play-by-play takedown of the phony libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, characterizing the leftist in libertarian drag as a “complete idiot” who wouldn’t recognize libertarian values if they were rolled into a blunt and pressed between his lips.

From Johnson’s support of the globalist TPP trade deal to his endorsement of the terrorist organization “Black Lives Matter” to his totalitarian stance on religious freedom, none of Johnson’s stances can be classified as libertarian.

Though inconclusive, Watson characterizes Johnson’s run for POTUS as a Manchurian candidacy meant to siphon votes away from Trump in key swing states to hand the election to Hillary Clinton, whom Johnson openly stated was a “wonderful public servant.” None of that would, of course, bother Watson if Johnson were actually a principled libertarian candidate, but evidence shows that to be false.

Perhaps the most insulting aspect of Johnson’s candidacy is how he nearly flares up into a child-like temper tantrum every time something politically incorrect drops into his lap. Like a social justice warrior screaming about “micro-aggression” and “trigger warnings,” Johnson can’t even engage in an honest debate about “illegal immigration” without characterizing his opponent as an insensitive racist for using the (accurate) term “illegal immigrant,” already watered down from the now deceased term “illegal alien.”

According to Johnson, calling someone a racist over and over again somehow constitutes an argument, and pandering to minorities (black, Latino, LGBT) constitutes principled politics.

As noted by Watson, Johnson can’t even boast good fiscal policy. While Governor of New Mexico, Johnson inherited a debt of $1.8 billion and left with a debt of $4.6 billion. To quote Watson in the video: “That’s not libertarian!”

“Gary Johnson isn’t a libertarian,” exclaims Watson. “He’s a social justice warrior posing as a libertarian. He’s a phony!”

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