Pelosi & Treasonous Democrat Douchebags Are Killing Americans For Pet Projects & Political Gain


Disgusting dinowhore Nancy Pelosi and the treasonous democrat Communists are playing games with the lives of all Americans, and democrats are actually killing Americans while using the worst tragedy in American history for disgusting political gain.

Pelosi & Treasonous Democrat Losers Are Killing Americans For Pet Projects & Political Gain

  • $300,000,000 for “Migration and Refugee Assistance”
  • $1,000,000 for the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate.
  • $300,000,000 for the Corporation for public broadcasting.
  • $500,000,000 for the Insitute of Museum and Library Services.
  • $23,000,000 handout to Howard University
  • $647,000,000 to Howard’s Endowment
  • $7,000,000 for one specific DC charter school, Gallaudet University
  • $90,000,000 for an HIV program
  • $35,000,000 for the JFK performing arts center.

The democrat Communists don’t give one flying shit how many Americans die of the Chinese Coronavirus – as long as the treasonous democrats can use the tragedy, as all democrats do, as a political weapon.

“Speaker Pelosi unveiled legislation aimed at exploiting the COVID-19 public health crisis by attempting to force the inclusion of a socialist wish list of policies that have nothing to do with the public health and economic emergency” – House Minority Whip Steve Scalise

On top of holding America hostage for the possibility of getting some items on the democrats Socialist ultimate wish list crammed through, the democrats are also gleefully watching America’s economy crumble – with dreams of using the economic downturn as a weapon against President Trump in the 2020 election.

“You want proof that it’s never been about Donald Trump. Donald Trump has never been racist. It’s never been about Donald Trump being wrong for the country. Just look at what the Democrats in the Senate just did. They blocked the bill, $.8 trillion I believe. And that bill would have helped ALL Americans. Every last one of us. This stimulus package would have helped every last one of us. But the Democrats don’t give a fuck. They don’t give a fuck about helping Americans. They don’t give a fuck about what race you are. They don’t care about LGBT, whatever community you belong to. They care about power. All of this sh*t is about power. All of this media hysteria is about power. Control and power. Control and power. Every day that an American dies, suffers, or finds himself hungry, you thank the damn Democrats for it. Because that’s what the f*** they been doing. Fucking up public trust. Fucking up the economy and blaming that sh*t on Donald Trump like it’s his fault when it’s fucking them. Be aware man.” – Antoine Tucker

Senile skank Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the treasonous democrats will hold out until they get their way, or until the American People call them out on their bullshit.

House Democrats released their own 1,400-page stimulus package to address the coronavirus, and it includes $300 million for refugees.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the $2.5 trillion economic relief package Monday after a $2 trillion Senate version failed to advance.

The package calls “for an additional amount for ‘Migration and Refugee Assistance'” of $300 million to “remain available until expended, for necessary expenses to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus: Provided, That such amount is designated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.”

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise slammed the proposal, labeling it Pelosi’s “socialist wish list.”

“Speaker Pelosi unveiled legislation aimed at exploiting the COVID-19 public health crisis by attempting to force the inclusion of a socialist wish list of policies that have nothing to do with the public health and economic emergency,” Scalise, Louisiana Republican, said.

Scalise characterized Republican objections to the proposal, including minimum wage increases, extensions of visas and work authorizations — including those with DACA and TPS status — limiting Customs and Border Protection’s capabilities, requiring the agency to “assure the timely adjudication of asylums applications,” and allowing “certain funding to go to sanctuary cities.”

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