Ultra Corrupt Clinton News Network (CNN) Caught On Hot Microphone Coaching Focus Group On What To Say

CNN reporter Pamela Brown was caught on a hot microphone coaching the CNN “focus group” about what to say when they go live, and once the live question was asked, the answer the panelist gave was exactly the same as the tips the CNN reporter had just given her.

The Clinton News Network (CNN) are untrustworthy ultra corrupt shills for Obama, Clinton and the Democrat Culture of Corruption, and CNN will continue to tirelessly work to help Hillary cover up and get away with her crimes until the very last opportunity.

This comes at the same time CNN is busted rigging their poll after the 2nd presidential debate in St Louis, to make it look like Hillary won, when in actuality Hillary Clinton had her fat ass handed to her by Donald Trump, who called out Clinton for being the complete criminal skank that we all know she is. CNN continues heavily weighting their polls with Democrats, and the last poll has at least 58% Democrats and only around 20% Republicans to help them push the results to Hillary’s …

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Disgusting Clinton Shill Debate Moderator Martha Raddatz Argued Points With Trump & Gave Free Reign For Clinton

Stupid & disgusting skank debate moderator Martha Raddatz is a worthless piece of shit Clinton shill, who should never again be trusted as a debate moderator ever again!

Disgusting Clinton Shill Debate Moderator Martha Raddatz Argued Points With Trump & Gave Free Reign For Clinton

Disgusting Clinton Shill Debate Moderator Martha Raddatz Argued Points With Trump & Gave Free Reign For Clinton

Both of the debate moderators at the second debate in St Louis were worthless Clinton shills, but stupid bitch Martha Raddatz showed her true colors when actually started arguing with Donald Trump during the second presidential debate, and refuting Trump’s statements, while allowing Hillary Clinton to lie over and over with no interruption from the so-called “moderators”.

Debate moderator Martha Raddatz feuded with Donald Trump during Sunday night’s debate, interrupting Trump in the middle of an answer to offer a rebuttal.

Trump was sharply criticizing the Obama administration’s strategy in fighting ISIS and other enemies in the war on terrorism. In particular, Trump lashed out regarding the U.S.’s tendency to discuss its military plans publicly before undertaking offensive actions.

“We have announcements out of Washington and Iraq: ‘We will be attacking,’” Trump said. “Why can’t

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Hillary Clinton is So Full of Shit Flies Land On Her Face

Ha Ha!!! Hillary Clinton is so full of shit that flies even land on her face during the second presidential debate in St Louis.

Hillary Clinton is So Full of Shit Flies Land on Her Face

Hillary Clinton is So Full of Shit Flies Land on Her Face

Flies must land on Hillary Clinton all the time because she didn’t even react to it.

Flies landing on Hillary Clinton’s face reminds me of the horror movie Amityville Horror.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org

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Piece of Shit Thin Skinned Libtard Loser Mayor Bill de Blasio Refuses to Answer Questions From New York Post Journalist

Bill de Blasio is such a worthless whiny little fucking pussy, it’s funny!

de Blasio refused to even listen to a question from New York Post journalist and City Hall bureau chief Yoav Gonan, and crying how he only takes questions from “real media outlets” – inferring that the New York Post is not a real media outlet because the newspaper doesn’t kiss all of the criminally corrupt Democrat’s asses.

Talk about thin skin… de Blasio has the thinnest of any Democrat we have ever seen, which isn’t good for someone acting as the mayor of NY.

Temperamental Mayor Bill de Blasio continued to get hammered by the media on Friday morning, a day after his epic meltdown at a press conference when he rudely refused to take questions from a New York Post journalist.

“If the mayor gets to decide which credentialed reporters get to ask him questions, he should just outright cancel his increasingly rare press conferences,” wrote Bob Hardt, political director for NY1, on his blog Friday.

Added NY1’s Errol Louis: “Perspective: The @nypost, founded by Hamilton

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Corrupt & Dead Twitter Secretly ‘Shadowbanning’ & Deleting Trump Tweets Regarding Absentee Ballots in Battleground States


The ultra corrupt piece of shit libtards at Twitter have been secretly shadowbanning many of Donald Trump’s tweets about absentee ballots in battleground states to protect Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Corrupt & Dead Twitter Secretly 'Shadowbanning' & Deleting Trump Tweets Regarding Absentee Ballots in Battleground States

Corrupt & Dead Twitter Secretly ‘Shadowbanning’ & Deleting Trump Tweets Regarding Absentee Ballots in Battleground States

This is the only way that the corrupt Democrats can win, because they know Donald J. Trump will win in a landslide if the election was run on a level playing field, and probably still will, even with the playing field severely slanted towards Hillary’s side.

I SAY FUCK TWITTER TO DEATH, and I hope the piece of shit social media platform, Twitter, continues it’s slide into the toilet, as it has been lately – especially now that there is a better alternative in GAB.AI

On October 3, 2016 Twitter deliberately “shadowbanned” (censored) 32 of Trump’s tweets, plus it deleted one other tweet.

When Twitter shadowbanned Trump’s tweets, the general public can no longer see any of the tweets, and

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Hilarious: Hillary Freaks Out As Everyday More ‘Bill Clinton Is A Rapist’ Signs & T-Shirts Showing Up On Live TV

It’s fucking funny as hell to see all of these people are making their way onto live TV to hold up “BILL CLINTON IS A RAPIST” signs, or be filmed with “Rapist” t-shirts that are flying off the shelves of many outlets that sell them.

Here are the two latest “BILL CLINTON IS A RAPIST” signs showing up on live TV.

At a Hillary rally in Nevada, Tim Kaine was interrupted by a heckler yelling “Bill Clinton is a rapist!” until Tim Kaine’s security stopped him.

A guy holds up a “Bill Clinton Is A Rapist” sign live on NBC’s Today Show.

I’m sure Hillary Clinton is completely freaking out every time someone else gets on TV with one of the “Bill Clinton Rapist” signs or t-shirts, as more and more viewers get a chance to find out about yet another scandal dogging the Clintons.

Here are a few of the past “BILL CLINTON IS A RAPIST” signs shown on live TV.

A lady holds up a “Bill Clinton Is A Rapist” sign during a campaign rally while Bill Clinton …

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Steve Harvey Allows Hillary Clinton to Script Entire Interview – Hillary Even Wrote Her Own Questions

Stupid putz Steve Harvey should be ashamed and embarrassed and ridiculed over how his show allowed Hillary Clinton to script every part of the interview on the Steve Harvey Show, not to even mention his support of Crooked Lyin’ Criminal Hillary Clinton.

You have to watch the entire interview, and see how Hillary Clinton actually acts surprised, as though she didn’t know what questions she was going to be asked, when in reality she actually wrote the questions Harvey was asking her.

It is unbelievable how much of a corrupt untrustworthy bitch Hillary Clinton truly is!

Before she appeared on the Steve Harvey Show last February, Hillary Clinton’s campaign received a memo from the show’s producers that allowed the Democratic presidential candidate’s staff to brief her on nearly every aspect of the interview.
“Steve is known to be a host who goes out of his way to make his guests feel comfortable,” wrote Clinton campaign spokeswoman Karen Finney and communications aide Betsaida Alcantara in a memo to Clinton sent a week ahead of her interview. “We coordinated closely with the

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As Expected: Viewership of Anti-American NFL Continues Steep Decline In Week 2 – NFL Freaking Out!

The NFL has now started to royally freak out about their nosediving TV viewership, in the wake of the creeping anti-American displays happening at the beginning of every NFL game across the country.

As Expected: Viewership of Anti-American NFL Continues Steep Decline In Week 2 - NFL Freaking Out!

As Expected: Viewership of Anti-American NFL Continues Steep Decline In Week 2 – NFL Freaking Out!

Monday Night Football saw a 40% drop in viewership from just last week, and is WAY down from previous years, thanks to Colin Kaepernick and the rest of the many America-hating NFL players who continue refusing to stand for the National Anthem.

We predict that there will be another week or two of steep NFL viewership decline before the NFL is FORCED into making a change in the way they encourage their players to show their hatred of America before NFL games, while at the same time completely rejecting any NFL player’s attempts to show support for our nation – even on a special date like 9/11.

It’s funny that Andy Donchin, chief domestic investment officer at Amplifi US, doesn’t seem to know why the NFL ratings are in the toilet. …

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