Compromised Nutless Fake AG Pussy Jeff Sessions Being Blackmailed & Must Resign or Be Fired Immediately

Fake “Attorney General” Jeff Sessions is most likely being blackmailed and will never do what is needed to investigate the DNC/FBI/DOJ, and hold them accountable for their crimes. Period – end of story. Huber’s assignment does nothing to help get to the bottom of the DNC/FBI/DOJ crimes, and Jeff Sessions knows it! The dumb-fuck pussy loser needs to go, like… last year!

Compromised Nutless Pussy Jeff Sessions Being Blackmailed & Must Resign or Be Fired Immediately

Compromised Nutless Pussy Jeff Sessions Being Blackmailed & Must Resign or Be Fired Immediately

Jeff Sessions is kidding himself if he thinks he is in charge of the Justice Department, and anyone else who actually thinks that Sessions leads the Justice Dept, or has any power whatsoever is a fucking idiot!

The American People really want to know “Who has the dirt on nutless pussy Jeff Sessions and is blackmailing the worthhless loser and preventing him from doing his fucking job?”

What felony crimes has Jeff Sessions been busted committing? What underage boy was Sessions caught fucking in the ass? What tranny hooker is holding pictures and/or video of Jeff Sessions taking it up the poop-shoot?

SERIOUSLY!!! These …

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YouTube Filtering/Censoring/Demonetization of Tame Videos Partially to Blame for YouTube Campus Shooting



Left-wing 38-year-old Iranian far left protester and PETA activist nutjob Nasim Aghdam shot up the YouTube headquarters campus because she was angry at YouTube for the censoring of her YouTube videos to include an age restriction, and thereby greatly reduce the number of views the video receives, and the money received from those videos.

YouTube may be yanking down all of the copies of this video, but it’s not going to stop us from showing the video to our readers, Thankfully TMZ kept a copy of the video that YouTube doesn’t want you to see, so here it is again. (We will leave the now-deleted YouTube version of the video included below so you can see how YouTube is trying to sweep their responsibility and …

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Not Running For Re-Election Not Good Enough – #MeToo Fraud Democrat Rep. Elizabeth Esty Must Immediately Resign

#MeToo Fraud Democrat Rep. Elizabeth Esty says that she will step down after the end of the year and won’t run for re-election, but that definitely is not good enough. Untrustworthy Elizabeth Esty needs to resign immediately!

Even the fake news network CNN is calling “BULLSHIT” on Esty’s crap statement and plan to move forward without resigning.

To address the immediate crisis, I demanded counseling for my offending chief of staff and I launched an internal review of management policy and practices and an investigation into what was going on in the office. I also took a hard look at how I allowed my office to be run.

Unfortunately, through the review process I learned that the threat of violence was not an isolated incident, but part of a pattern of behavior that victimized many of the women on my staff. At which point, I hired a new chief of staff, made changes to senior staff, changed employment policy, and instituted mandatory harassment trainings.

No staff changes or additional training would help in this situation because it was Elizabeth Esty …

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Crazy Eichenwald -> Kashuv DM’s Show Eichenwald Purposefully Provoked Twitter Attacks

Read this direct message string from unhinged lunatic leftist Kurt Eichenwald to 16 year old Parkland school shooting survivor Kyle Kashuv.

Crazy Eichenwald --> Kashuv DM's Show Eichenwald Poked & Attacked Twitter Haters

Crazy Eichenwald –Kashuv DM’s Show Eichenwald Poked & Attacked Twitter Haters

Eichenwald even admits to keeping the feud with Kashuv going to use it as an opportunity to poke people who don’t like him to provoke them into sending him animated GIF’s so that Eichenwald could report his detractors to the FBI.

They attacked followers of the Epilepsy foundation when they found out this worked. You have these kinds Of people following you. I have spent the day poking them so they would keep coming out. I have reported all of them to the FBI. They are now all going to have their identities revealed by Twitter to law enforcement. I did make a mistake with you, and I apologize. But once I realized this created a new opportunity to snag more of these bastards and get them to law enforcement, I took advantage of it. – Unhinged loser Kurt Eichenwald

So Eichenwald is purposefully trying to provoke …

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Dirty Cops Rosenstein & Muller Colluded to Break the Law & Both Must Resign Immediately

A newly released internal memo shows that dirty cops Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Special Counsel Robert Mueller colluded to break the law in order to attack President Trump and others inside the Trump administration.

Dirty Cops Rosenstein & Muller Colluded to Break the Law & Both Must Resign Immediately

Dirty Cops Rosenstein & Muller Colluded to Break the Law & Both Must Resign Immediately

A newly released memo from Rosenstein to Mueller shows that Rosenstein intentionally left the scope of what Mueller was allowed to investigate “intentionally vague” to allow the Democrat/FBI/DOJ witch hunt to dig into anything they fucking wanted, and move the investigation in any direction they wished.

Fox News Legal analyst, Gregg Jarrett, says that Rosenstein and Mueller colluded to break the law, and says that Mueller needs to resign from the tainted and illegal DNC/FBI/DOJ witch hunt.

Sooner or later the corrupt media will be forced to cover the crimes being perpetrated by two of the formerly most trusted agencies in America, and when American People will learn the truth about the crimes of the DNC/FBI/DOJ, Democrats are going to be completely fucking & finished.

America can’t fucking wait!…

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Unhinged Psycho Kurt Eichenwald Obsessed With Kyle Kashuv, Ben Shapiro, Tentacle Porn – Needs Serious Psychiatric Help

WOW!! JUST…. WOW!!!!!! Kurt Eichenwald’s mental stability seems to be quickly slipping, and appears to get more desperate every time he sends an email, posts comments online or opens his mouth.

Unhinged Psycho Kurt Eichenwald Obsessed With Kyle Kashuv, Ben Shapiro, Tentacle Porn - Needs Serious Psychiatric Help

Unhinged Psycho Kurt Eichenwald Obsessed With Kyle Kashuv, Ben Shapiro, Tentacle Porn – Needs Serious Psychiatric Help

Following the typical libtard playbook of accusing their enemies of exactly what they are guilty of, mentally unstable Kurt Eichenwald claims that 16 year old Parkland school shooting survivor, Kyle Kashuv, is “desperate” and “in need of psychiatric help”.

Eichenwald himself alerted the world that he has epilepsy, and that sending the loser an animated GIF could trigger epileptic seizures, but somehow Eichenwald thinks that Ben Shapiro will be held accountable if any Shapiro followers send him GIFs. Um… OK, whatever you say psycho.

Eichenwald also claims that he contacted a psychiatrist “friend” and asked him to evaluate Kashuv’s mental health through his tweets over Twitter – like anyone with half a fucking brain would ever think that conducting mental evaluations over Twitter would be a viable method of evaluating someone’s mental …

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CONSERVATIVES MUST FIGHT FIRE W/ FIRE! Target & Boycott All Fake News Advertisers Without Mercy!

Conservatives need to wake the fuck up and start doing to the corrupt fake news outlets what they are doing to conservatives in the media. SEEK AND DESTROY WITHOUT MERCY!

Libtard individuals and groups are targeting all influential conservatives in the media and attacking them with lies designed to push advertisers to leave, and then remove the conservatives from their jobs in the media.

It’s time that the nutless #RepublicansWithoutBalls do something to fight back! YES, THAT MEANS YOU!
Review the list of fake news advertisers below and start contacting them one by one.

This means we conservatives, as a group, need to finally grow a pair of fucking balls, band together, protect the very few conservative voices in the media, and ruthlessly attack any advertiser who spends their advertising dollars to put ads on these fake news networks who spread lies and hate to destroy conservatives they dislike.

Here is a partial list of companies that mush be IMMEDIATELY targeted for knowingly supporting anti-American fake news outlets like CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post. We will add more

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Vanity Fair/MSNBC Dumbass Eichenwald Uses “Tentacle Porn” As Excuse for Attacking 16 Yr Old Parkland School Shooting Survivor

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! This is fucking hilarious!!! (and sad at the same time that someone can be such a fucking idiot, but still be the editor of Vanity Fair and a contributor on MSNBC)

Vanity Fair/MSNBC Dumbass Eichenwald Uses "Tentacle Porn" As Excuse for Attacking 16 Yr Old Parkland School Shooting Survivor

Vanity Fair/MSNBC Dumbass Eichenwald Uses “Tentacle Porn” As Excuse for Attacking 16 Yr Old Parkland School Shooting Survivor

Dumbfuck Vanity Fair Editor and MSNBC Contributor Kurt Eichenwald goes off the deep end – uses the “Tentacle Porn” excuse for everything under the sun.

Q: Why did you attack a 16 year old high school kid online who survived the Parkland school shooting?
A: Um… Tentacle Porn.

Q:Why do you think you were called out after spreading Democrat lies about Trump/Russia collusion?
A: Must be the Tentacle Porn again.

Q: Why did you start immediately blocking everyone on Twitter who had a negative comment about you?
A: They wrote “Tentacle Porn!”

Q: Why does everyone from “alt-right” conservatives to alt-left libtards, and everyone in between hate you?
A: Because I’m regarded as a pedophile who loves tentacle porn.




Eichenwald apparently can’t count to 10, so there …

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